Joint Working Journal

Joint Working Journal #11

Welcome to the West Glamorgan ‘Joint Working Journal’!

Stay tuned for regular updates on our regional programmes of work and other interesting tidbits relating to the partnership space.

Welcome to the 11th edition of our Joint Working Journal. This time we’ll be reflecting on the recent activities and achievements of Steering and Advisory Board 2 (SAB2), which met on 3rd September. SAB2 covers three regional programmes—‘Well-being and Learning Disability’, ‘Emotional Well-being and Mental Health’, and ‘Dementia’.

Well-being and Learning Disability – Talking Transport

If you received our latest newsletter, you’ll know we were gearing up for a workshop focused on transport for people a with Learning Disability within our region. Transport has been identified as a key priority in our regional Learning Disability Strategy, and the workshop was a great success with over 70 participants including representatives from transport companies and community transport schemes.

Adam Lloyd, our Communications and Engagement Support Officer, has documented the progress of this work and created the following video which was played to members of SAB2 at the meeting:

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with one SAB member calling it: “An awesome piece of co-produced activity – well done to everyone involved!”

Looking ahead, we’re excited to co-produce a Learning Disability Travel Charter and create a feedback report for travel companies and community transport associations. These efforts aim to enhance service quality based on the insights and expertise of those with lived experiences

Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme Developments

SAB2 members received an update on the Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme. We’re developing a new model for commissioning third sector community mental health services. This project aligns with our strategy theme of “joining it up” by addressing growing needs and adopting a more strategic approach. The new model aims to transform and unify community services, emphasising strength-based working and co-production. This will create a more seamless service for individuals needing mental health and well-being support.

We’re also pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Zoe Fisher as the new Clinical Programme Lead. Dr. Fisher will take up her post in mid-October, strategically leading the strategy to implementation.

Progress in the Dementia Programme

The Dementia Programme was previously part of the wider Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme, but became a Programme within its own right earlier this year. We’re currently developing plans to engage with people living with dementia, their carers, and families to inform the creation of a Regional Dementia Strategy.

Additionally, the Welsh Government has confirmed an allocation of £100,000 in recurrent funding for ‘Dementia Connector’ posts in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. This delivers against one of our key dementia standards: ‘Ensuring people living with dementia have a named contact to offer support, advice, and signposting throughout their journey from diagnosis to end of life’.

Engaging with the Community: Recent Event Highlights

Our information stall has had two outings over the past couple of weeks as we’ve participated in two great community events. On 29th August, we attended the Afan Cluster Well-being Event in Port Talbot, and then on 9th September, we went along to Swansea’s Ageing Well One-Stop Shop (one of the biggest they’ve run so far!). Both events were a valuable opportunity to connect with people and organisations, sharing knowledge, ideas and experiences in person.

Team members at our information stall

We’re now busily preparing for a national event next week where we get to showcase everything our region has achieved. Welsh Government has invited all Regional Partnership Boards to come together for the ‘Towards an integrated community care system for Wales’ event on 16th September, and we look forward to learning more about the approaches of our counterparts across Wales.

We’ll bring you more on this and other key West Glam activities after the next SAB 😊