Joint Working Journal #14
Welcome to the West Glamorgan ‘Joint Working Journal’!
Stay tuned for regular updates on our regional programmes of work and other interesting tidbits relating to the partnership space.
Welcome to the latest edition of the West Glamorgan Joint Working Journal. This issue highlights the outcomes of Steering and Advisory Board 3 (SAB3), which met on 26th November and reports on the progress of the Children and Young People and Neurodiverse Boards.
Another major focus for us over the past few weeks has been the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Forum – ‘Working Together’ Showcase event held on 29th November. The session brought together a wide range of organisations and individuals to celebrate our region’s achievements and consider the next steps for positive and productive partnership working.
Neurodiverse Programme (SAB3)
The Neurodiverse Programme is continuing with developing an all-age Regional Neurodiverse Strategy which will take a needs-led, person-centred approach to supporting neurodiverse people and their families (whether they have undergone formal assessments, or not).
A coproduction group will be convened, including key stakeholders and those with lived experience to plan our approach to engagement in the coming months, taking into consideration the best methods on how we engage with people who are neurodiverse. We have been busy mapping stakeholders, including existing networks, organisations, stakeholder groups and other partnership forums who will play a key role in informing and coproducing the regional strategy.
SAB3 members had the opportunity to view a digital story on the ‘Gwaith Da’ project, delivered by the organisation ‘Autism Skills Development and Employment Support’ funded via the Welsh Government’s Regional Integration Fund (RIF). The organisation works with autistic and neurodivergent individuals to plan for positive opportunities in the workplace and to improve their confidence and sense of well-being.
Children and Young People Programme (SAB3)
SAB3 members received an overview of the progress of the priorities of the Children and Young People Programme. These include:
- The ‘Transition from Child to Adult Services (CYP Complex Needs)’ workstream have now developed an agreed set of Regional Principles and Standards that will improve partnership working between Child and Adult Services, improving multi-agency collaboration, decision making and planning.
- The ‘Improved Access to Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Children and Young People’ workstream have been progressing with the development of the regional ‘No Wrong Door’ model. The purpose of this work is to create an integrated and streamlined access route to health, community and social care services for all children and young people and their families. This would mean a ‘First Contact, Right Response’ approach with the focus on presenting needs and what matters most.
- World Mental Health Day saw the official launch of both tidyMinds and SortedSupported during an event hosted by Swansea Bay University Health Board at Swansea’s Waterfront Museum on 10th October. These are invaluable online resources providing access to emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people, adults and professionals.

- The Accommodation workstream have been reviewing current accommodation services for children who are unable to stay with their families to better understand what is available, where the gaps are, and how we can improve the services, ensuring the best outcomes for vulnerable children and their families.
On 20th November, members of the West Glamorgan team also attended the Universal Children’s Day event at Swansea Waterfront Museum, taking the opportunity to ask children and young people for their views on the programme priorities that will inform our work going forward.

West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Forum – ‘Working Together’ Showcase
On 29th November, we hosted our West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Forum – ‘Working Together’ Showcase, a fantastic event designed to bring people together, share knowledge, and shape the future of regional collaboration.
The event offered attendees a chance to delve into the partnership’s work, explore the regional programmes, and exchange ideas. A varied and engaging agenda ensured everyone had a platform to voice their thoughts on the path ahead for regional collaboration.
One highlight was a captivating look into ‘A Day in the Life’ of those involved in our regional efforts, including Neil Williams, a dedicated volunteer representative for the Wellbeing and Learning Disability Programme. To add a creative touch, artist Laura Sorvala joined us to visually capture Neil’s experiences, producing an incredible artwork that truly brought the topic to life…

The day was packed with energy and excitement, with entertaining demonstrations and interactive sessions led by Ospreys in the Community, the African Community Centre (pictured below), and Circus Eruption. These engaging activities added vibrancy and fun while showcasing the incredible work happening in our community.

A big thank you to everyone who attended and supported the event, including the organisations that joined us with their informative stalls. Your participation made the day a resounding success!
That’s all from us for now – we’ll be back after the next SAB 😊