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Regional Integration Fund:
West Glamorgan Projects

This is where you’ll find details of all the projects that have benefitted from Regional Integration Fund (RIF) investment across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.

The RIF is administered via the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership.

The Welsh Government’s Health and Social Care Regional Integration Fund (RIF) is a five year fund running from April 2022 to March 2027. It builds on the progress made under the previous Integrated Care Fund and the Transformation Fund. The RIF will help integrate health and social care services in Wales.

Below you will find details of the projects within our region that have secured RIF funding. Projects are categorised by population programme. Click on the relevant link below to view the projects linked to each programme (some projects may appear under more than one category):

Carers’ Partnership

  • Upper Valleys Carers Hub

A Carers Hub is being established in a high street location, giving Carers the opportunity to access information, signposting and take part in activities such as coffee mornings and well-being activities.
Out-reach in Banwen and Resolven will be through coffee mornings and drop-in sessions for adult carers.
This support is available to anyone who is an unpaid carer in NPT and will run 2 days a week.
For more information, please contact: Email: info@glynneathtc.org.uk  Tel: 01639 721772

  • Care & Repair Western Bay – Giving You Time Back

Unpaid Carers of all ages across the region will have access to minor Household, Handyperson and Adaptations services to assist in their Caring role. This project offers and maintains a sustainable range of services including cleaning, gardening and minor Handyperson Services that enable people to remain at home while maintaining their independence for as long as possible.
For more information, please contact: Email: enquiries@candrwb.co.uk Tel: 01792 798599

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Swansea Male Carers Project

Support to enable male carers to maintain and improve their own well-being through one-to-one support, group sessions and activities. They will have the opportunity to learn new skills and coping strategies to sustain them in their caring role, avoid carer crisis and breakdown.
Available to Male Carers in Swansea.
For more information, please visit: Male Carers Support Project – Swansea Carers Centre
Email: des@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 01792 653344

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Mental Health & Wellbeing Support Project

Help and support for carers who feel their caring role is adversely affecting their mental wellbeing.
The project aims to support the carer with the underlying practical problems they might be experiencing which may be causing stress and anxiety. This project can offer support around finances, housing, liaising with professionals and onward referral to counselling and wellbeing activities.
Available to carers in Swansea.
For more information, please contact the Swansea Carers Centre:
Tel: 01792 653344
Email: Anne@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk OR irene@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Wellbeing for Carers

Enables carers aged 18+ to access a sitting service, to have a break from their caring role.
It also offers counselling services to carers. This project is delivered by the Neath Port Talbot Carers Service and is accessible Mon-Fri 9am – 4:30pm.
Available to unpaid carers aged 18+ within the Neath Port Talbot Area.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk Tel: 01639 642277

  • Swansea Council For Voluntary Service – Dementia and Carer Project 

This project provides people living with dementia, and their carers, an opportunity to engage socially in the community. It also allows Carers to access community resources with the support of a volunteer; as well as reducing isolation and offering a listening ear to those it supports.
Available to Individuals with Dementia and Carers of Individuals with Dementia within Swansea.
This is Swansea based project delivered by SCVS and is available Mon – Thurs 9am – 5pm.
For more information, please contact: Email: elaine_james@scvs.org.uk Tel: 07908 742718

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Hospital Outreach Service

Based across all the hospitals in Swansea, a hospital worker on hand to offer information and support directly to carers. They also raise awareness amongst staff.
The service can offer direct advocacy support around care homes, discharge, financial assessments, care packages and general advice and guidance.
Available to carers in Swansea.
For more information, please visit: Hospital Outreach Project – Swansea Carers Centre
Email: lizrees@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk   Tel: 01792 653344

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Young at Heart – A Life Alongside Caring

“A Life Alongside Caring” is in place to reduce the loneliness and isolation felt by many carers.
Carers can access the sitting service(s) to attend to their own health issues, meet friends, go shopping, have their hair done and many other activities that others take for granted.
This project is delivered by the Neath Port Talbot Carers Service for carers aged 18+ in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: manager@nptcarers.org.uk Tel: 01639 642277

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Integrated Dementia Carer Support

This project is in place to provide a seamless first point of contact for carers looking after someone with Dementia. The project is working closely with the local Dementia Connect Team from the Alzheimers Society and are establishing a “Dementia Café” to engage Dementia Carers, provide them with Information, Advice and Assistance, bring people together to support each other. 
Available to unpaid carers in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Carers Project (Dementia) 

A dementia support group run by Swansea Carers Centre
Carers can access direct support from experienced Dementia workers, practical advice and guidance. Support with liaising with Dementia Services and Health and Social Services.
There is a weekly drop in at Carers Cwtsh and a weekly online drop in. 
Available to all dementia carers in Swansea.
For more information, please contact: Email: irene@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk  Tel: 01792 653344

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Emergency Respite (Dementia)

This project offers short term emergency respite packages in response to carer crisis.
Available to all dementia carers living in Swansea.
For more information, please contact: Email: irene@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk  Tel: 01792 653344

  • Swansea Carers Centre – BAME Carers Pilot Project

The BAME project aims to engage with carers from different communities.
The aim is to increase household income by providing welfare benefit information advice.
This project helps carers to complete forms and offers advice.
Available to all Carers in Swansea from BAME communities.
More information is available on the Swansea Carers website: B.A.M.E. – Swansea Carers Centre
Email: jusna@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 01792 653344

  • Single Point of Contact – Gateway for Carers

Run by Neath Port Talbot Carers Service, this project is in place to improve integrated working and ensure carers are identified and supported in order for them to access the right information and the best interventions at the right time. This enables carers to access a wide range of services that provide early intervention and prevention. 
Available to all unpaid Carers over 18 years of age in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk  Tel: 01639 642277

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Transition Parent Carer Support Worker

Support for parent carers who care for children 14+ with additional needs.
Includes: Advocacy Support; Information and advice; Wellbeing events/events with other carers; Counselling; Carer assessments; Benefit support – (help with PIP and DLA forms)
Run by Neath Port Talbot Carers Service.
Available to all unpaid Carers over 18 years of age in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk  Tel: 01639 642277

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Carers Wellbeing & Health Liaison Worker

One to one wellbeing calls that help develop coping strategies.
Working closely with the local organisations including the Dementia Connect Team from the Alzheimer’s Society to engage carers, provide them with Information, Advice and Assistance. 
The purpose of this role is to reduce stress, anxiety and feeling of isolation felt by carers.
Available to all unpaid Carers over 18 years of age in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk  Tel: 01639 642277

  • Neath Port Talbot Carers Service – Wellbeing Project

Improve the health and wellbeing of carers (including bereaved carers) by offering Professional Counselling.
A Sitting Services is available, the aim of this is to reduce carers stress and anxiety by enabling them to take a short break from their caring role.
Working closely with the local organisations including the Dementia Connect Team from the Alzheimer’s Society to engage carers, provide them with Information, Advice and Assistance. 
The purpose of this project is to reduce stress, anxiety and feeling of isolation felt by carers.
Manual Handling and First Aid Training is available.
Available to all unpaid Carers over 18 years of age in Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact: Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk  Tel: 01639 642277

  • Swansea Carers Centre – Extended Hours – Helpline & Counselling project

Direct information and advice for carers.
Counselling available.
This project is an extended hours phone line, enabling carers to access advice until 8pm Mon – Fri.
Run by Swansea Carers Centre.
Available to all Carers in Swansea.
For more information, please contact: Tel: 01792 653344

Communities and Older People Programme

  • Age Connects Neath Port Talbot – Dementia Care Connects

Weekly Community Outreach Hubs to facilitate and support improved physical and emotional wellbeing and provide independent information and advice  for those at risk of developing dementia and/or living with an early diagnosis.
Outreach Hubs situated in: Neath Town Hall, Margam Community Centre and Pontardawe Library. Information and advice: Age Connects NPT (Alfred Street, Neath) and telephone helpline.
Tel: 01639 617333    Email: Ali@ageconnectsnpt.org.uk 

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) – Shared Homes Swansea (Homeshare)

Shared Homes Swansea brings together people with spare rooms to people who are happy to be sociable and lend a hand around the house in return for affordable accommodation.  
Home sharers offer the Householder 10 hours of lower-level support each week and may include things like shopping, cleaning, digital access, gardening, going out for coffee, cooking, taking to and attending appointments, DIY etc.  
Run by Swansea Council for Voluntary Service – Available to residents of Swansea.
For more information, please contact the Shared Homes Swansea Coordinator:
Email: ruth_robinson@scvs.org.uk  Tel: 07951 328915

  • BAME MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT 15PC Our Elders; Our Heritage “Help is Available” Project

To help older persons stay independent for as long as possible by enhancing their social networks and maximising community support, the project provides: peer support, information, advice & guidance and bespoke activities for Older People.
Delivered by BAME Mental Health Support – Open to Public with emphasis on Ethnic minorities.
For more information, please contact: Email: help@bamementalhealth.org   Tel: 08001448824

  • Red Community Project – West Cross Community Wellbeing Hub

Delivered by Red Community Project
Linden Wellbeing Hub is home to a wide range of activities and projects with the common aim of building stronger communities and bringing people together to live well through the varied challenges and transitions of life. 
Address: West Cross – Swansea, Linden Wellbeing Hub, Elm Grove Road, Swansea, SA3 5LD
For more information, please contact: Email: info@redcommunityproject.org.uk Tel: 01792 362122

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) – Community Wellbeing Service

Lower-level support for individuals being discharged from hospital.   
The team provides support to access food, medication, support network, home environment, support for unpaid family carers, benefits and anything else that the individual identifies. Team will provide information, signpost and refer where appropriate. This project is run by Swansea Council for Voluntary Service.
For more information, please contact: Email: HDSCOVID@scvs.org.uk

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) – Microenterprise Project

Support, information and guidance for individuals that want to set up a service that supports people at home.  Services may include care, cleaning, gardening, DIY, decluttering and deep cleans etc.  
Delivered by Swansea Council for Voluntary Service.
For more information, please contact:
Email: roxane_dacey@scvs.org.uk  OR hannah.lawson@scvs.org.uk  
Tel: 07932 555221   OR 07950 464965   

  • Care and Repair Western Bay – Hospital to Healthy Home Casework Service

Provision of a dedicated Casework service to Hospital referrers providing advice, assistance, referrals to relevant partner organisations and quick housing repair and adaptation solutions to enable fast, safe hospital discharge, independent living and improve well-being. The Hospital to Home Casework service is for older people with complex needs and long term conditions (including dementia), strongly focusing on preventative agendas.
Provided by Care & Repair Western Bay 
For more information, please contact: Email: enquiries@candrwb.co.uk Tel: 01792 789599

Well-being and Learning Disability Programme

  • Interplay (Integrated Play and Leisure) – Independent Skills Residential

48 hour residentials with high levels of staff support in safe locations to enable young people to experience independent living situations in venues that are accessible. The activities provide opportunities for young people with learning disabilities to access over night stays away from home with their peers. To learn independence skills such as cooking and cleaning, group and team activities to encourage social skills and the opportunity to plan the activities as a group. 
For more information, please contact:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk or info@interplay.org.uk Tel: 01792 561119


Breaking down the stigma associated with learning disabilities & neurodevelopmental conditions in the BAME communities.
Normalising disability conversations within the BAME communities.
BAME CYP LD Support offers: Peer Support, Information, Advice & Guidance, Bespoke activities for CYP, provision of support of pathways to main stream services.
For more information, please visit: The BAME website.

  • Melin Community Trust – Crafty Potters

Support is provided not only for the individual but also the carers who all come together and have time to socialise and meet other people that may also be facing similar issues, but also the ALD who gets to be creative with projects and get out and about having fun at the centre with friends.
For more information, please contact:
Email: admin@neatheast.co.uk

  • Discovery – Active 18: Five Ways To Wellbeing

Weekly Zoom sessions and monthly face-to-face sessions for adults with a learning disability/autistic adults to socialise and take part in activities based on the Five Ways To Wellbeing. Programmes of activities are sent out in advance along with resources to join in where applicable.
For more information, please contact:
Email: k.rowles@swansea.ac.uk Tel: 01792 295743

Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme

  • Sporting Memories – Ospreys in the Community – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea

Sporting Memories provides weekly group sessions for those living with dementia isolation, loneliness and their carers, using sport and physical activities to bring people together. Activities include reminiscence sessions, using the power and history of sport to connect like-minded people in a safe environment. Participants also take part in low level physical activities, and referrals can be made to other services or individuals who may be able to provide support.

For more information, please visit: Sporting Memories | Ospreys (ospreysrugby.com)

  • Jac Lewis Foundation – West Glamorgan Mental Health Hub – Jac Lewis Foundation

The Jac Lewis Foundation provides a mental health walk in service at the Swansea.com stadium weekly for any members of the Swansea/Neath Port Talbot communities that are experiencing difficulty with their mental health.
Sessions run between 10am-3pm at the Swansea.com Stadium.
For more information, please contact: Email: Jaclewisfoundation@gmail.com   Tel: 07368828515

  • Swansea Community Farm – Farming for Wellbeing

The Farm volunteering programme is a wellbeing project which offers volunteers the opportunity to engage in the Five Ways to Wellbeing through a programme of structured outdoor volunteering, engaging in all aspects of Farm life, from animal care to veg growing, habitat management and campfire cooking. Volunteering opportunities are open to all, but the project is targeted at those with physical and mental health challenges who need a supportive environment and meaningful work to help them improve their wellbeing. 
For more information, please visit: Wellbeing | Swansea Community Farm | Swansea

  • Neath Port Talbot Mind Association – Active Monitoring for Adults in NPT

Run by NPT Mind.
Active Monitoring is a six-week guided self-help programme to help people understand and feel more in control of their mental health and emotions. It is aimed at people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of mental ill health. 
For more information, please visit the website NPT Mind or contact:
Email: info@nptmind.org.uk Tel: 01639 643510

  • BAME MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT – Ethnic Minority Bereavement Support – BAME

This project provides culturally competent emotional support to anyone from a minority ethnic background experiencing bereavement and loss and offer therapeutic support in different languages. 
Support included but not limited to:
Language and Interpretation Support, Therapeutic Support, Funeral Arrangements Support, Bereavement Grant Claim, Immigration Communication where necessary.
For more information, please visit the BAME website: BMHS | BAME Mental Health Support | Wales

  • Swansea Carers Connect  – Carers and Older people Connect 

Run by the Swansea Carers Centre
Aimed at carers and older people 50+ across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.
Various training and activities including craft sessions, cinema trips and various indoor and outdoor activities aimed at increasing social opportunities and reducing isolation.
For more information, please contact: Email: rosie@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 01792 653344

  • Swansea Mind – Adult active monitoring

Run by Swansea Mind, a 6-week guided self-help programme for people with mild to moderate mental health difficulties. Giving the opportunity to explore mental health difficulties with a mental health practitioner. This support is provided remotely and is available to anyone within the Swansea area.
For more information, please contact: Email: admin@swanseamind.org.uk    Tel: 01792 642999

  • Neath Port Talbot Mind Association – Active Monitoring for Young People (11-18)

Run by NPT Mind.
Active Monitoring for young people is a six-week guided self-help programme to help young people understand and feel more in control of their mental health and emotions and to provide young people with tools they can use during challenging life experiences. The model is based upon the established Active Monitoring model used with adults and has successfully been adapted and piloted with young people across the Mind network and Big Umbrella (an early intervention project aimed at building young people’s resilience and equipping them with the skills to manage and maintain good mental wellbeing). As with adults, the Active Monitoring service for young people is aimed at those with mild-to-moderate symptoms of mental ill health. 
For more information, please visit the website NPT Mind or contact:
Email: info@nptmind.org.uk Tel: 01639 643510

  • BAME Mental Health and Well-Being – Congolese Development Project

Provision of mental health support for BAME community in Swansea.
Support includes: Individualised one to one therapy session, group therapy sessions, group activities, art work, outdoor activities, raising awareness on mental health.
For more information, please contact: Email: info@cdpwales.org.uk          Freephone: 0330 229 0333 

  • ILA-WALES CIC: Iberians & Latin Americans in Wales – Wellbeing Inside & Out

The Wellbeing Project aims to empower members to learn to look after themselves both physically and mentally. Through various alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, Alexander Technique, counselling, group discussions, art therapy for children, and therapy for children with special needs, they feel supported, their levels of stress and anxiety decrease and, as a result, they feel more relaxed and better able to cope with their difficulties. It has also resulted in more cohesion inside our organisation and better integration into Welsh society.
This project is run by ILA-WALES CIC: Iberians & Latin Americans in Wales and is based in Swansea.
For more information, please contact:
Email: inwalesiberolatinoamericans@gmail.com    Tel: 01792 420941

  • Coed Lleol Small Woods – Social Prescribing the Woodland Way

A nature based 6 week programme of activities and one-off / drop-in engagement sessions, with activities chosen to meet the needs of specific participants and groups. This can include: mindfulness, nature art, bushcraft and campfire cooking, and woodland walking. 
The sessions cater for children and young people aged 0 – 25, therefore the groups are split to cater for the different needs of the age groups. We have conversations with participants in advance of sessions to ensure they are on the best session for them.
For more information, please contact: Email: GemmaBarnes@smallwoods.org.uk

  • Dewis Ltd – Wellbeing Worker

Supported Accommodation services for young people aged 16-25 who are homeless, vulnerably housed or at risk. Wellbeing support to those accommodated through tailored support planning to meet individual needs. Support available to those in the Neath and Port Talbot area.
For more information, please contact: Email: mail@dewishousing.org   Tel: 01639 882536

  • Swansea Community Farm  – Farm Ways to Wellbeing 

Run by Swansea Community Farm, this wellbeing project is designed to improve the wellbeing of young people and families struggling with their mental health, and to offer them opportunities to engage in healthy outdoor activities, peer support and to learn the skills to self-manage their mental health. They will learn to support others and reducing social isolation for young people struggling with mental health and the long-term effects of the pandemic.  
For more information, please contact: Email: cerys@swanseacommunityfarm.org.uk Tel: 01792 578384

  • The Wallich – The Reflections Network

Trauma informed Counselling service for Wallich clients.
Unlimited Integrative counselling sessions for Wallich service users delivered in all areas of Wales where the Wallich provide support. A referral is needed for use of this service.
For more information, please contact: Email: Steve.masterman@thewallich.net

  • Swansea Mind – Active Monitoring for Young People

Provided by Swansea Mind, this is a 6-week guided self-help programme for young people with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.
This project gives the opportunity to explore mental health difficulties with a mental health practitioner. This includes, general emotional support, access to psychoeducational and self-help resources for the following common mental health problems; anxiety & panic attacks, low mood & depression, managing stress, managing anger, loneliness and feeling alone, low self-esteem, and coping with grief and loss, as well as signposting. Help with managing emotions and developing effective coping skills or an “emotional support kit”. Monitoring and evaluation of mental health throughout the course of the programme. The opportunity to reflect on and evaluate personal progress.
For more information, please contact: Email: admin@swanseamind.org.uk   Tel: 01792 642999

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) – Welcome to Swansea Pandemic Recovery Project

A Better Welcome to Swansea project helps to welcome and support people seeking asylum and refuge in Swansea to reduce isolation, encourage active participation, promote wellbeing and enhance integration.
Run by Swansea Council for Voluntary Service.
For more information, please contact: Email: involve@scvs.org.uk Tel: 01792 457299

  • Llamau – Counselling (Swansea and NPT)

Internal Counselling Service for young people with experiences of homelessness, enabling better access to a range of therapeutic services to improve mental and emotional well-being.
For more information, please contact Llamau’s Head Office: Tel: 02920 239 585

Neurodiverse Programme

  • ASDES – Gwaith Da

Individually tailored support in the community for adults who identify as autistic and/or neurodivergent.  Support is focused around helping individuals who face hurdles in their workplace, getting into work and making connections with their local community resources.
This support is available across both Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.
This project is run by ASDES.
For more information, please contact: Email: info@asdes.org.uk    Tel:  07519834584

  • Anxiety Support Wales CIC – Dynamic Divergent Project

A project within Swansea supporting young neurodiverse people within the community. The project aims to assist in building young peoples self esteem and help deal with anxiety and other challenges whilst having fun and making friends. 
For more information, please contact: Email: mandy.davies-asw@outlook.com

Children and Young People’s Programme

  • Action for Children and Ospreys in the Community  – Bouncing Back Plus

Bouncing Back Plus provides young people with:
• A shared understanding of emotional and physical wellbeing
• An increase in confidence and self esteem
• More information/skills in how to manage emotional and physical wellbeing, with tools and skills supporting them to be more resilient
• A greater awareness of how and when to seek further support for their mental health
• Skills to reduce the impact of emotional distress
• Young People recognise through their experience that completing physical activity has a positive impact on their wellbeing.

Each participant receives a mental health first aid kit with signposting for further support. 
Delivered across NPT and Swansea Primary Schools.
This project is provided by Action for Children and Ospreys in the Community.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Christina.Williams@actionforchildren.org.uk Tel: 01656 766067 

  • The Pontardawe Arena at Glantawe Riverside Park

Working with small groups, developing the learners’ personal, practical and interpersonal skills through problem-solving tasks and outdoor challenges. We closely monitor and mentor the learners, enabling them to gain the qualifications without a written examination.
Address: Glantawe Riverside Park, SA8 3HZ
For more information, please contact: Tel: 01639 764555 or 07585779574

  • Circus Eruption  – Circus Development project for YP who are care experienced/edge of care

Through this project we support – and create an active welcome for – children and families where care experience, or risk of becoming care experienced (‘edge of care’) is a factor. To do this we run bespoke workshops for children, young people, families and organisations, and connect with professionals who are working with them. Our workshops are designed to build trust and a sense of belonging, and are fun. We are often able to engage children and young people who otherwise face barriers to engagement. Alongside this, training and support for our staff and volunteers is equipping our personnel to be skilled in working in this area. Our core work is long term, free circus workshops suitable for children and young people of all abilities aged 7-19, and access to these exists outside this project. 
A regional project delivered in Cwmbwrla, Swansea.
Provided by Circus Eruption.
For more information, please contact: Email: amanda@circuseruption.co.uk Tel: 01792 795778

  • Interplay – Wellbeing 4 Early Years – 4 -11

Play provision for children with additional support needs including disability and neurodiversity age 4-11 and their siblings. Early intervention and prevention to enable individual children with additional support needs and siblings groups, where one or more of the children have additional support needs can play in a safe and positive environment and gain skills and confidence levels to enhance emotional resilience and improved wellbeing to increase their ability to access more mainstream activities in the future. 
A regional project delivered in both local authorities.
Provided by Interplay.
For more information, please contact:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk OR info@interplay.org.uk Tel: 01792 561119

  • Family and Therapy CIC – The Playroom Project 

The Family and Therapy Place (FTP) is a Swansea based ‘not-for-profit’ Community Interest Company created to meet the mental health needs of those in South Wales communities. The project is passionate about providing low cost community services which focus on prevention and early intervention. The Playroom Project provides a range of evidence based, developmentally appropriate, psychotherapeutic interventions to best meet the needs of all ages.  The purpose is to provide a low-cost therapeutic service for children and young people (CYP) outside of our funded areas to increase people’s capacity to access the support that they need. 
Delivered in Swansea.
For more information, please contact: Email: katie@familyandtherapy.co.uk    Tel: 07948186806 

  • Interplay – ENSpir & Wellbeing Project 12-18

Social provision for young people with additional support needs including disability and neurodiversity age 12-18. Providing a safe and positive environment where young people can gain independence skills and increase their confidence levels to enhance emotional resilience and improved wellbeing to increase their ability to access more mainstream activities in adulthood.
A regional project delivered in both local authorities.
Provided by Interplay.
For more information, please contact:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk OR info@interplay.org.uk Tel: 01792 561119