This is a directory of common acronyms and terms that we use in the work of the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership.
ACD | Accelerated Cluster Development |
BAME | Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic |
BJC | Business Justification Case |
CAMHS | Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure |
CC | Continuing Care |
CCN | Complex Care Needs or Commissioning for Complex Needs |
CHC | Continuing Healthcare |
CIW | Care Inspectorate Wales |
CoP | Community of Practice |
CVS | Council for Voluntary Service |
CWSA | Cluster Whole Systems Approach |
CYP | Children and Young People |
DCP | Discretionary Capital Programme |
DPIF | Digital Priorities Investment Fund |
DQR | Development Quality Requirements |
DST | Decision Support Tool |
DTHSC | Digital Transformation for Health and Social Care |
DTOC | Delayed Transfers of Care |
ECC | Externally Commissioned Care |
EOI | Expression of Interest |
EWMH | Emotional Well-being and Mental Health |
FBC | Full Business Case |
HCF | Housing for Care Fund |
HEIW | Health, Education & Improvement Wales |
HR | Human Resources |
IAA | Information, Advice and Assistance |
IPC | Infection, Prevention, Control or Institute of Public Care |
IRCF | Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund |
LAC | Local Area Coordination or Looked After Children |
LD | Learning Disability |
LGBT+ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender plus (the ‘plus’ signifies the inclusion of other sexual orientations and gender identities). |
MAPSS | Multi-Agency Placement Support Service |
MATSS | Multi Agency Therapeutic Support Services |
MCP | Main Capital Programme |
MDT | Multi-Disciplinary Team |
MSR | Market Stability Report |
NEET | Not in employment, education or training |
NPSV | Net Present Social Value |
NPT | Neath Port Talbot |
NPTCBC | Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council |
OBC | Outline Business Case |
ONA | Our Neighbourhood Approach |
OPEX | Operating Expenditure |
PBA | Project Bank Account |
PCC | Prevention and Community Co-ordination Board |
PDD | Project Definition Document (high level) |
PDP | Programme Development Plans |
PfG | Programme for Government |
PHW | Public Health Wales |
PID | Project Initiation Document |
PNA | Population Needs Assessment |
PSB | Public Service Boards |
PSED | Public Sector Equality Duty |
RBA | Results Based Accountability |
RIC Hub | Regional Innovation Coordination Hub |
RIF | Regional Integration Fund |
RI&I or RII | Research, Innovation and Improvement |
RIIC | Research, Innovation, Improvement and Communication |
RPB | Regional Partnership Board |
SARC | Sexual Assault Referral Centre |
SBUHB | Swansea Bay University Health Board |
SC | Swansea Council |
SCH&H | Social Care, Health & Housing |
SCP | Strategic Capital Plan |
SMART | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound |
SOC | Strategic Outline Case |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SSWBA | Social Services and Wellbeing Wales Act 2014 |
SVF | Social Value Forum |
SVM | Standard Viability Model |
TCCP | Transforming Complex Care Programme |
TMHS | Transforming Mental Health Services |
ToC | Theory of Change |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
UNVRC | United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child |
VAWDASV | Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence |
WCCIS | Welsh Community Care Information System |
Asylum Seeker
This specifically represents people who are seeking to be recognised as a Refugee but their refugee status has not been legally determined. Not every Asylum Seeker will eventually be recognised as a Refugee but every Refugee was initially an Asylum Seeker.
A measurable impact on an organisation or business, in our case primarily on our partner organisations. As opposed to Outcomes (which impact on People in general), a benefit will impact on the organisation in either a positive way (e.g. a reduction in operational running costs) or a negative way known as a Dis-benefit (e.g. changing a service may result in an increase in calls to a helpline or contact centre, which comes with an associated cost).
Business As Usual
A service provided by the Regional Partnership, either directly to our People or to the Regional Partnership Board and its partner organisations.
Capital Expenditure
The purchase or creation of assets that are intended to be used for a period of at least one year or more, including items such as land, buildings and equipment
Specifically represents the People who live in our region (i.e. people with a fixed address in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot).
A small group of People or a subset of a larger community. In some circumstances, it can be helpful to identify people in this way to focus on a specific subset of People (for example, a cohort of People who are involved in a pilot initiative or who have a specific need that is different to their wider community).
An individual that plans the services that are needed by our People and ensures that they are available, including potentially paying for the service to be delivered by another individual or organisation.
A large group of People, which may be based on their geographical location (such as the community of Port Talbot or Blaen-y-maes) or their shared characteristics or interests (such as the community of unpaid carers or the LGBT+ community). Different communities will have different needs, strengths and opportunities.
Continuous Improvement
A process by which we are constantly checking to see if our service is delivering the right results (e.g. achieving the right outcomes for our People) and making changes where we believe they are needed. The difference between transformation and continuous improvement is that we ensure continuous improvement is built into the service so that it is always happening (and we do not have to wait until a certain time or when funding is available to make a change).
The link between different tasks or responsibilities. For example, we cannot deliver an event until we have created a plan so the two tasks are dependent (one has to be completed before the other can be started). This is especially important if different individuals or organisations are responsible for each task, as they need to know what is dependent on their work and what their work is dependent upon. Understanding and mapping dependencies can help us to manage the work to ensure that we can successfully deliver our Plans and achieve our Strategies.
The various influences on our transformation initiatives, providing a clear direction in terms of “why are we doing this”. Strategic Drivers can include national policies, recommendations from major reviews, regionally co-produced strategies, legislation and other important factors. These Drivers not only motivated us to transform but provide clear rationale and boundaries within which we can deliver change.
Expert by Experience
An individual who can represent a specific need based on their own lived experience of that need. Under the principles of co-production, this terms relates to People who are acknowledged for their expertise and their ability to present a true reflection of this experience to others.
Describes “how we will manage our work” which enables us to deliver our Strategies. Frameworks provide us with the structures, processes and mechanisms that we can use repetitively across all of our areas of work. For example, a Communications Framework helps us to communicate consistently and in line with the same principles regardless of which Service, Programme, Project or Function we are delivering.
A service provided by the Regional Partnership Transformation Team that enables the partnership to operate. These are internal processes such as managing budgets and co-ordinating regional reporting which are necessary to enable us to work together and delivery our Portfolio of transformation initiatives.
The purpose of our transformation initiatives, in terms of what needs to be achieved and by when. We often use the SMART technique to ensure that our goals are described in a clear and effective way.
Specifically represents the People who live in our region after having moved from a foreign country and settling here by becoming lawful permanent residents. They can be defined as Citizens although they may choose to return home whenever they decide to do so.
How we quantify the achievement of our Outcomes (e.g. if we delivered a change, what number or percentage of people did it help).
A previously uncertain event that is now certain to have an impact on some aspect of our work.
Local Commissioning
When an organisation commissions a service either within their own local area or community, or only to their own Service Users directly.
How the changes we are delivering will impact on our Outcomes (e.g. if we delivered a change, how well did it work).
Specifically represents the People who do not live in one place all of the time, instead moving from place to place for a variety of reasons such as seasonal work. They may choose to stay in one place (such as our region) for a period of time, during which they may be able to use our health and social care services).
How we intend to move forward and achieve our Vision, either in terms of a clear task or a commitment to working in a specific way to ensure that we can successfully deliver the tasks needed.
The stated aims of an initiative to be achieved. This could include delivering a number of Outputs or implementing a number of tasks within a Plan. We often use the SMART technique to ensure that our Objectives are described in a clear and effective way.
A measurable impact on a key condition for some or all of our People (e.g. better wellbeing for carers). We may have lots of different initiatives contributing to a single Outcome over a long period of time.
Something that is created by an initiative in order to help us achieve our Objectives. It could be a document, a process, an important message to be shared…anything that is created by a Programme or Project. Some of our outputs are co-produced in line with our Regional Co-production Framework. Other terms for Outputs include ‘Products’ or ‘Deliverables’.
Represents the individual members of our society; this is the broadest definition that includes the following: Citizen, Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Immigrant, and Migrant
Describes “how we will do it” in order to implement our Strategy and achieve our Vision for the future. The Plan is important to explain what action we plan to take in a way that everyone can understand what is going to happen and the impact of it happening. A Plan document combines information about the actions that will be taken during the life of the Programme or Project that is responsible for delivering it.
The totality of our investment in transformation. This means all of initiatives that we fund (regardless of their funding sources, timescales or resources) combined as a single collection of the following types of initiatives: Programme, Project, Work Package, and Task and Finish Group.
The method we follow to achieve a desired aim. Having a process that is consistent, well defined and understood by everyone allows us to deliver the same results and achieve the best possible results.
People who are paid employees of an organisation, not just those who directly support the work of the Regional Partnership.
A temporary structure responsible for implementation of a set of projects that will collectively deliver outcomes and strategic benefits.
An initiative that delivers one or more Outputs that contribute to one or more Outcomes. These initiatives are time-bound and usually take between several months and two years to complete.
Specifically represents the People who have been recognised as having refugee status and who live in our region subject to this status.
Regional Commissioning
When the Regional Partnership (or another regionally-focused entity) commissions a service either across multiple areas or communities, or with the involvement of multiple organisations to reach a greater number of Service Users directly.
An individual who has been nominated or who volunteers to represent the views of a group of People (such as unpaid carers) within our governance. The Representative role is described further in the Regional Co-production Framework.
Revenue Expenditure
Expenditure incurred on day-to-day running costs which would include rent, utilities and salaries.
An uncertain event that, if it happens, may have an impact on some aspect of our work.
The tool we use for detailing the specific actions within the Plan including what tasks are required, who will do them, and when they will be started/finished. A Schedule is created for programmes and projects using our Project Server system.
Section 33 Agreement
A joint funding arrangement between organisations – often referred to as “pooled budgets” – which allow each organisation to contribute to achieving a shared outcome.
Service Manager
The individual who is accountable for a service, often the senior leader on a team within the Service Provider’s organisation.
Service Provider
The individuals, organisations or groups who provide a service (in this case, generally a health or social care service).
Service User
The People who use the services provided by a Service Provider.
Social Value
The quantification of the relative importance that People place on the changes they experience in their lives.
Describes “what we plan to do” in order to achieve our vision for the future. A Strategy document combines various elements such as the mission, goals and drivers to describe the future state we want to achieve and why it is important. A strategy is not only about defining the scope and purpose of transformation, it is about engaging and inspiring the people who will help us to make that change happen.
Task & Finish Group
An initiative that is established to deliver a specific aim, task or Output. These initiatives are temporary and usually take weeks or months to complete.
A written invitation to potential Service Providers who may be interesting in providing the services we commission. The Tendering Process means a series of tasks that allow Commissioners to identify the most suitable Service Provider and appoint them in a fair, open competition (usually resulting in a Contract being issued from the Commissioner to the successful Service Provider).
The Act
The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.
A set variance on key criteria against which change is delivered (e.g. Time, Cost, Quality, Scope).
The things we need to help us deliver our Process, things like equipment, apparatus or software. Tools enable us to do the best job possible.
How we see the future either in terms of our regional partnership, our key priorities for transformation or in specific programmes of work. A Vision Statement is a simple, clear and concise statement of what the future will look like which inspires us all to achieve our vision.
People who are not paid employees of an organisation but devote their time and effort voluntarily to support the work of the Regional Partnership. Within this definition, there are a number of specific roles: Representative, and Expert by Experience.
Work Package
A set of tasks and actions required to deliver an Output. Whereas a Programme or Project may have specific funding and resources assigned to it, a Work Package may not and would therefore need to be delivered within our funding and resource constraints.
The structure for us to manage a number of programmes, projects, work packages and other activities related to a key theme or priority (such as Housing).