The West Glamorgan Regional Partnership is committed to continued innovation within the Health and Social Care space, on this page you can keep up to date with what our digital and communications teams are doing to support the goal of “Thinking Differently”.
How we’re innovating…
…In our programmes
People are at the heart of our work and we work hard to deliver what’s important in health and social care, our programmes are areas that have been identified by our population as priorities and we are always striving to innovate in our goal of driving change.

Innovation is at the heart of partnership working as we strive to improve the lives and wellbeing of our residents, the Regional Innovation Co-ordination (RIC) Hubs were established within Regional Partnerships across the nation with the goal of to strengthen the alignment and co-ordination of innovation that happens within the health and social care system, focusing on research and the development of transformation policies and strategies across the whole system.

…In getting the message across
With transformation of health and social care services at the heart of the Partnerships goals, engagement with those with lived experiences is crucial. Our Communications and Engagement team works hard to capture those voices as well as striving to spread the message of partnership working to people across the region, West Glamorgan publishes regular Newsletters and Journal Posts, as well as maintaining Social Media such as Twitter/X and Facebook. Our communications team have also been working on a series of Digital Stories, capturing the work of our programmes and the Third Sector organisations that we work with, these are shared on the Joint Working Journal as well as on our Vimeo page.

…In getting people involved
Co-production is essential to the partnership so the voices of our residents with lived experience is invaluable. West Glamorgan involves volunteer and unpaid carer representatives at all levels of the partnership from the Regional Partnership Board all the way down to individual workstreams. We have a range of resources that are of help to our board representatives such as our Volunteering Strategy, co-production charter and volunteer handbook.

RIC Work
Population Needs Assessment
The Population Needs Assessment (PNA) is a joint exercise undertaken by health and social care partners to gather information on people’s wellbeing and the barriers that prevent them from achieving a sense of well-being.
It also aims to determine people’s care and support needs (including gaps in such provision) in order that services can be developed and targeted accordingly.