Market Stability Report
Market Stability Reports (MSRs) are tools to assist Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) in planning and commissioning quality care and support for their populations. The reports should help RPBs to determine the overall shape and balance of the market for care and support within the region.
Section 144B of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 requires local authorities to prepare and publish MSRs, and make provision for regulations setting out the form these must take.
These matters are set out in the Partnership Arrangements (Amendment) and Regulated Services (Market Stability Reports) (Wales) Regulations 2021.
In preparing their MSRs, local authorities are required to consult with the local health board. The preparation and publication of MSRs must be carried out on a regional footprint.
Please see the following links to learn more about the Regional Partnership Board as well as to access our Area Plan and Population Needs Assessment.
A copy of the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership’s Market Stability Report can be found by clicking here.