Meet The Team
A directory of all staff working within the
West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Team.

Kelly Gillings
Transformation Programme Director

Nicola Trotman
Transformation Programme Deputy Director
Transformation Managers

Mel Blake
Transformation Manager -Responsible for supporting the programmes of
LD and Commissioning Processes for Complex Care

Katie Kinevane
Transformation Manager -Responsible for supporting the programmes of
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health, Dementia and Carers

Claire French–Williams
Transformation Manager -Responsible for supporting the programmes of
Communities and Section 16 including Social Microenterprise

Helen Dale
Transformation Manager -Responsible for supporting the programmes of
Children and Young People and Neuro Diverse
Project Managers

Milena Llewellyn
Project Manager –
Supporting the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Programme

Louise Fraser- Cole
Project Manager –
Supporting the Communities and Older People Programme

Megan Crombie
Project Manager –
Supporting the Carers and Commissioning Processes for Complex Care Programmes

Lynsey Hargreaves
Project Manager –
Supporting the Learning Disabilities Programme

Jacqueline Morgan
Project Manager –
Supporting the Children and Young People’s Programme
Communications and Engagement

Kirsty Roderick
Communications and Engagement Manager

James Mullin
Participation and Engagement

Adam Lloyd
Communications and Engagement Support Officer
Digital/ Data

Lucy Davies-Jones
Regional Digital Transformation Lead

Lisa Williams
Regional Business Change Manager

Sian Davies
Regional Information and Development Officer

Thomas Heelas
Performance, Research, Innovation and Improvement Data Analyst
Finance, Performance & Capital

Emma Jones
Regional Performance and Finance Officer

Rebecca Jenkins
Regional Performance and Finance Officer

Joshua Summers
Capital Project

Sarah Power
Integrated Hub
Business / Volunteer Support

Lydia Harley
Volunteer Representative

Dominic Nutt
Regional Volunteering
Strategy Manager

Ffion Gifford
Business Support

Gail Wallis
Programme / Project Administrator