Sensory Impairment
Those affected by sensory impairment have faced numerous barriers and challenges over recent years. The lack of awareness and accessibility difficulties experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified issues faced by this cohort. The evidence from this chapter also highlights an increase in service demand.
Persistent barriers such as mental health inequalities remain a problem, and the lack of awareness of sensory impairment (including dual sensory impairment) in the health and social care sector and more broadly needs to be addressed. These challenges require a collaborative, co-productive, regional approach to transforming services and changing attitudes to sensory impairment (covering prevention, assessment, treatment and ongoing support for all people of West Glamorgan).
In summary, there are some specific gaps that are apparent from the assessment that need to be incorporated into regional work and local service plans. A more joined up approach to facilitate new ways of working is needed.
Gaps highlighted within the assessment include:
- Services such as improved awareness of technology.
- Access to transport.
- Access to services in health and appointments.
- Increase in ROVI personnel.
- Closer involvement by all partners on sensory impairment related matters.
- Further exploration on children affected by sensory impairment, including habilitation services.
- Data and further analysis required on those with dual sensory impairment.