Children and Young People’s Programme
This Programme focuses on Children and Young People (CYP) who require support from health and social care services, such as Looked After Children (those under the care of the Local Authority) and those with complex needs.
The remit of this Programme includes supporting Children and Young People (CYP) who receive support as they transition into adulthood, where they may receive a different type of service as an adult. An underlying principle of this work is to follow a ‘whole systems approach’, which will form part of a new framework across health and social care services for CYP (covering both the statutory and voluntary sectors).
The Programme works closely with CYP, Carers, families, local communities and other key stakeholders in order to capture the ‘voice of the child’.
The plan for the next five years will be to deliver the following strategic outcomes:
- To reduce social isolation and loneliness
- To continue to develop and implement the NEST/NYTH Framework
- To develop and enhance the services to Emotional Well-being of CYP
- To increase the sufficiency of suitable placements for CYP in the region
- To develop and enhance services that wrap around families to promote keeping families together
- To develop more community resources and support to prevent children from becoming ‘looked after’
- To develop and enhance prevention and early intervention services
- To support the ‘voice of the child’ being promoted across the programme to aid the co-production of services
- To develop housing solutions to support families, in particular in support of CYP with Mental Health issues or a Learning Disability
- To ensure that planning is based on accurate data collection and demographics.