Communities and Older People’s Programme
This is a new Programme of work for West Glamorgan that focuses on the development of new models of financially sustainable and integrated community health and care.
The aim of the Communities and Older People’s Programme is to achieve the following:
- To enable individuals to remain independent and in their own home for as long as possible.
- To increase Respite Services in line with rising demand.
- To strengthen the Discharge to Recover and Assess Pathways and ensure provision for hospital leavers is based around what matters to them.
- To ensure safe and timely discharge from hospital.
- To develop and enhance falls prevention care.
- To reduce social isolation and loneliness.
- To continue to make West Glamorgan a ‘Dementia Friendly’ region.
- To develop and enhance prevention approaches to reduce the need for acute and long-term care.
- To provide sustainable care provision.
- To ensure a high quality of care within care homes.