Vision and Aims
The Vision and Aims set out for the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership can be found below.
The vision and aims of the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership are as follows:
- We will drive transformational improvements in well-being, health and care for the populations we serve through better practice, better services, better technologies and better use of resources.
- We will change the way that we work with people away from paternalistic care to shared responsibility and co-production.
- We will secure the delivery of seamless care which will meet the outcomes that matter to the people we serve and support through integration, earlier intervention and prevention.
- We will manage our common resources collaboratively and pool resources wherever we can.
- We will have a single and simple governance structure covering Public Service Boards, the Regional Partnership Board and sub-structures for the region.
The Regional Programme exists to:
- Drive continuous improvement in wellbeing, health and care in partnership.
- Work in co-production with partners from the third sector, voluntary sector, private sector and our citizens to secure more seamless care in communities.
- Cross service boundaries to develop better, more seamless care.
- Promote a healthier region through asset-based communities.
- Make sure our agencies put people at the heart of wellbeing, health and care transformation, integration and prevention.
- Help to make sure that people live healthier and happier lives.
- Deliver the Regional Transformational Strategy and Plan.