Regional Integration Fund:
West Glamorgan Projects
This is where you’ll find details of all the projects that have benefitted from Regional Integration Fund (RIF) investment across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
The RIF is administered via the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership. For more information click here.
The Welsh Government’s Health and Social Care Regional Integration Fund (RIF) is a five year fund running from April 2022 to March 2027. It builds on the progress made under the previous Integrated Care Fund and the Transformation Fund. The RIF will help integrate health and social care services in Wales.
Below you will find details of the projects within our region that have secured RIF funding. Projects are categorised by population programme. Click on the relevant link below to view the projects linked to each programme (some projects may appear under more than one category):
- Carers’ Partnership
- Communities and Older People Programme
- Dementia
- Well-being and Learning Disability Programme
- Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme
- Neurodiverse Programme
- Children and Young People’s Programme
Carers’ Partnership
- Swansea MAD - Connecting Carers – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
Connecting Carers provides bespoke digital skills, employability support, creative activities and advocacy for Carers in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Carers are able to access information and support with: health and wellbeing, social isolation, employability, rights and entitlements and support after caring. Support is offered through workshops and tailored one-to-one support. Our Warm Welcome community hub provides opportunities for Carers to meet each other, access support, free food, hot drinks, toiletries, data and SIM cards and take part in enrichment activities in an inclusive community space. We work with Carers to develop individual Action Plans, including short, medium and long-term objectives, and offer information, support and resources.
For more information, please contact:
Leon Berry
Email: leon@madswansea.com
Tel: 07956391865
- Care and Repair Western Bay – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
Carers of all ages across the region will have access to minor household, handyperson and adaptations services to be able to access the respite support they need to take a break, so that they do not need to use their time to complete and manage household tasks. Services will be targeted to older carers or the carers of older people, as determined by funding available.
Many Carers are unable to access the respite support they need to take a break, as their time away from caring is used to complete and manage household tasks and odd jobs to stay on top of their caring role. This project focuses on:
- Giving carers time for themselves – A life outside of caring
- Improving health and wellbeing
- Improving mental wellbeing
- Enabling carers to continue caring in a safe way
For more information, please contact:
Email: enquiries@candrwb.co.uk
Tel: 01792 798599
- Swansea Carers Centre – The Male Carers Project – Available to residents of Swansea
The Male Carers Project offers preventative support through co-ordinate activities such as group sessions, participatory activities and 1-1 sessions, all of which will help to sustain people in their caring role and avoid carer crisis and breakdown of the carer/cared for relationship as well as improving their well-being. Carers will have access to financial benefits and form filling through our welfare benefit service, breaks from their caring role through our day centre and other respite avenues, mental health support through our counselling team and mental health project. The Male Carers Co-Ordinator will also assist with housing, advocating in legal issues and safeguarding concerns. Our Counselling service is free and available for male carers to access. Additionally, specialist support from the Dementia Team, who are on hand to offer advice from the beginning of their caring journey. They also have access to the Extended Hours / Out of Hours Team, if they need to contact someone out of office hours for information or just a chat if they are feeling isolated. The activities offered to meet and socialise include:
- Day trips
- Tea, Toast & chat sessions
- An allotment for carers to tend & mend
- Training opportunities
- Activities
For more information, please contact:
Email: des@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk
Tel: 01792 653344
- YMCA Swansea - Available to residents of Swansea
YMCA Swansea provides support to young carers aged 8-18 living in Swansea. YMCA Swansea Young Carers Service works alongside other provisions provided by YMCA Swansea to deliver person centred support to young carers. The project also works closely with Young Carers Forum, an elected group of young carers who represent voices of young carers, to shape the service and ensure it meets the needs of young carers.
YMCA Swansea Young Carers Service delivers Young Carers Awareness PSE sessions in primary & secondary schools to raise awareness on young carers and provide opportunities for young carers to self-identify and seek support when and if needed. The service also delivers in-person and online Young Carers Awareness sessions to professionals to provide them with information and tools on how to identify, recognise and support young carers.
The project provides a digital platform and opportunities for young carers to develop podcasts and YouTube videos to raise awareness on young carers, challenges they fae, share information and also use the platform to engage with other young carers and public in a fun and interactive way.
The project provides respite for young cares, this includes opportunities to access trips and activities in school holidays, spend time with peers, learn new skills and try new experiences. The project also provides 6 residential stays a year to ensure young carers are able to access an overnight respite in a supportive environment.
For more information, please contact:
Email: egija@ymcaswansea.org.uk
Tel: 01792 652032
- NPT Carers Service – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
NPT Carers Service provide outreach in hospitals and GP surgeries to promote NPT Carers service. The service works with GP surgeries to raise awareness of unpaid carers. As well as providing funding for counselling sessions for carers.
Our aim is to further develop and improve the working relationship between Neath Port Talbot Carers Service, Health and Social Care and Primary Care Services, Pharmacies and SBUHB Patient Liaison & Discharge Planning Teams and the other local organisations to ensure a seamless and joined up approach when supporting carers. To raise awareness of the support we can deliver to carers across Neath and Port Talbot to provide as much support as possible to carers in need, this in turn will help carers to continue in their caring role.
For more information, please contact: Patricia Jones
Email: patriciaj@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- African Community Centre - Carers Journeys Project – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The African Community Centre project supports unpaid carers or young carers from the BAME community in their day to day lives. Support includes one to one or online counselling, Transport for medical appointments, shopping trips, attending social activities such as Yoga, Zumba class, ACC English class, IT class etc.
The centre offers activities such as: day trips out of Swansea, climbing, swimming, gym pass, bowling, cinema tickets, information services, wellbeing sessions, training for caring roles, childcare (up to 2 days per month)
With the carers journey project, Unpaid Carers and Young Carers from BAME have the opportunity to improve their mental health with the different kind of support that is provided.
Service users can meet other carers and share experiences, experience new places and be able to enjoy unique moments with the person they care for.
For more information, please contact:
Email: edith@africancommunitycentre.org.uk or info@africancommunitycentre.org.uk
Tel: 03302292995
WhatsApp: 07826596900
- Neath Port Talbot Carers Service - Wellbeing Project – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
This project provides a range of services for carers, including:
- Six weeks of free counselling sessions with professional counsellors.
- Sitting Service offered by domiciliary care and companionship care agencies, allowing carers to take short breaks while ensuring their loved ones are attended to.
- Training courses for carers, such as manual handling and first aid, to help them in their caregiving roles.
- Ad-hoc sitting service for parent carers from specialist care agencies.
- Support for bereaved carers, enabling them to access our support package and attend events even after their loved one has passed away.
Unpaid carers can use these regular breaks to focus on their own wellbeing, whether by attending health appointments, going for a walk, socializing, or participating in exercise classes. These breaks help carers prioritize their own health and wellbeing. Additionally, many carers form friendships through our events and activities.
For more information, please contact:
Carly Hastings
Email: carlyh@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- Neath Port Talbot Carers Service - Wellbeing for Carers – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
Neath Port Talbot Carers Service provide six weeks of free counselling to carers delivered by a qualified counsellor to enable carers to cope with the demands of their caring role and to provide a “sitting service” -someone to sit with the cared for person to enable the carer to go out and have a short break either regularly or on an ad-hoc basis delivered by a domiciliary care agency or companionship care agency. They can utilise this break to improve their own wellbeing in any way that benefits them whether that is attending their own health appointments, going for a walk, socialising, or participating in activities.
For more information, please contact:
Carly Hastings
Email: carlyh@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- Neath Port Talbot Carers Service - Young at heart – A life alongside caring - Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
This project allows unpaid carers to take a break from their caring role by providing either a volunteer or a Domiciliary Care agency to undertake “Sitting Calls” To sit with the cared for person in their home to enable the carer to have a break. Being unable to have a break from the caring role can have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the carer, can leave a carer feeling isolated and can ultimately result in carer burnout and a breakdown in the caring relationship. As unpaid carers are given the opportunity to have a regular break from their caring role, they can utilise this break to improve their own wellbeing in any way that benefits them whether that is attending their own health appointments, going for a walk, socialising, or participating in an exercise class. The break allows them to prioritise their own wellbeing for that period.
For more information, please contact:
Email: carlyh@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- YMCA Swansea - Young Carers Project – Available to residents of Swansea
YMCA Swansea Young Carers alongside the main YMCA Swansea Young Carers Service to support schools to improve support and services they offer to young carers within their own settings. The project supports schools to set up and deliver lunchtime clubs and school drop ins, this enabled young carers to access around their homework, revision techniques or have a safe and quiet space to focus on their work as well as engage in activities other within their schools.
The project offers additional support for young careers to have a safe and supportive space to work on their homework when and if needed outside school.
YMCA Swansea Young Carers Service attends regular outreach and advocacy events to raise awareness on young carers, share support available for young carers to other organisations and form partnerships to offer more support and opportunities to young carers.
YMCA Swansea provides support to young carers aged 8-18, this includes activities focusing on positively improving young carers physical and emotional wellbeing through different activities. The project supports the implementation of the following ‘Models of Care’:
- Community level wellbeing and self-care opportunities
- Befriending
- Information and Advice
For more information, please contact:
Email: egija@ymcaswansea.org.uk
Tel: 01792 652032
- Chinese In Wales Association - Care Me – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
This project supports ethnic Chinese unpaid parent carers by offering three main activities to enhance their well-being. Including: Tailored holistic therapies, which assists working parent carers by reducing household chores and allowing them more quality time with their children. Organising regular face-to-face social gatherings to foster connections among unpaid carers and strengthen their ties within the community to build and supportive network and uses preventive measure against isolation and mental health deterioration, fostering a sense of belonging and support within the community, the project helps carers avoid crisis situations related to helplessness, loneliness, isolation and depression.
For more information, please contact:
Email: ciwa@chineseinwales.org.uk
Tel: 01792 499919
- Swansea Carers Centre - Hospital outreach – Available to residents of Swansea
The project ensures carers attending hospitals across Swansea Bay Health Authority and that they have access to a Swansea Carers Centre staff member-Hospital Outreach Worker.
The project enables the provision of support to access appropriate services across statutory and voluntary sectors. And ensures continued support for carers during the hospital stay and following discharge.
The goal of the Hospital Outreach project is to ensure that carers feel fully informed and supported and that there is support for them for as long as required.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Tamara@swanseacarercentre.org.uk
Tel: 07572 117 156
- NPT Carers Service- NPT Carers Integrated Dementia Carer Support - Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
The project provides a seamless first point of contact for carers 18+ caring for people with Dementia, to further develop and improve integrated working, to ensure Dementia Carers are identified and supported to access the right information and the best interventions at the right time. Dementia carers are contacted within 4 days of a referral by the Dementia support worker who will give them information and advice, and be a friendly, listening ear. During this initial conversation the carer will explain their current situation, so that carers needs can be identified. The carer will be offered our full package of support which includes an information and advice session, benefit support, free counselling sessions, and access to financial grants and respite/short breaks. The support worker also attends two weekly Dementia Café’s across the region as well as yearly events to offer information and advice and to identify new carers to our service.
For more information, please contact: Claire Callaghan
Email: clairec@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- Swansea Carers Centre Dementia Service – Available to residents of Swansea
The Carers Dementia Service provides personalised, ongoing support for carers of someone living with Dementia or awaiting a diagnosis for Dementia.
The main aim is to protect carers own physical and emotional well-being by providing comprehensive one-to-one support and guidance through their caring journey. The service also provides:
- Individualised flexible respite on a needs-led basis.
- Drop-In at the ‘Cwtsh’ (Thursdays 1.30 pm-3 pm) for information sessions, social opportunities and therapies for carers’ health and well-being. Carers and the person they are caring for are welcome.
- Dementia Hwb in The Quadrant Centre, Swansea and Tesco Llansamlet for advice & information. Just call in.
The service is one point of contact for all carers of people living with Dementia. Carers will be offered ongoing support and information for every stage of the dementia journey.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Irene@swanseacarercentre.org.uk
Tel: 07903671597
- Swansea Carers Centre – Emergency Respite (Dementia) - Available to residents of Swansea
The aim of the Emergency Respite project is to reduce carers (of people living with dementia) stress and improve their quality of life, health and wellbeing by accessing emergency respite in Swansea. Our project will support those diagnosed with dementia and their carers and families to be able to receive person centred respite care and support which is flexible and meets their needs.
We offer a dementia training programme at SCC ‘Live and Learn’, which runs a range of dementia related courses, including ‘Demystifying Dementia’ which give carers the tools to understand the disease, coping strategies and tips on how to support someone living with dementia.
Our Live and Learn project in partnership with our Dementia project have extended the ‘Demystifying Dementia’ course to a new venue in Swansea at our Dementia drop in in Llansamlet. This enables carers living that side of Swansea utilise their respite more efficiently with less travel to build their knowledge and confidence in understanding how Dementia affects their loved ones and enable them to feel more able to cope.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Irene@swanseacarercentre.org.uk
Tel: 07903671597
- Swansea Carers Centre – Swansea BAME Carers Pilot Project - Available to residents of Swansea
BAME communities often face unique challenges such as to accessing healthcare, education, employment, and social services and financial hardships. These challenges can stem from systemic inequalities, cultural differences, language barriers, or simply a lack of awareness about the help available to them. By accessing SCC’s services, accompanied by the project worker the carers can access advice about welfare benefit entitlements, grants, fuel poverty advice, housing, respite, care packages, direct payments and care packages, language barriers can be addressed. Project worker ensures carers in these communities are given sufficient time to have forms translated and understood so that they have equal opportunities as other communities to apply for grants, sign up for activities such as badminton, sewing and Eid celebration in partnership with the Amser project.
The project worker works with local community organisations to identify carers, bring them together, find out their needs and provide support. The worker has targeted communities and offers 1-1 support, information and advice to the carers to improve their access to carer support services.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Jusna@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk
Tel: 07944843968
- Neath Port Talbot Carers – Neath Port Talbot Young Carers Service (Awareness Raising) – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
The primary role of the project is to deliver Young Carer Awareness Raising sessions to every young person in Year 9 in all Comprehensive schools in NPT. This serves two functions – firstly to highlight the importance of Young Carers and their role and secondly, to encourage potential Young Carers to self-identify themselves so that support can be put in place in school or to access the NPT Young Carers Service and / or have a Young Carers Assessment through Children’s Services.
Through the Awareness Raising sessions pupils are equipped with knowledge and empowered to embrace their Caring role or support others in that position. Young people can self-identify if they wish knowing that they will receive additional support and have their voice heard regarding their personal needs or concerns.
The Project also runs Community events to raise awareness of Young Carers and provides training to professional and organisations including teaching staff, social workers and the third sector.
For more information, please contact:
Email: d.docherty1@npt.gov.uk or c.roberts@npt.gov.uk
Tel: 07890 427 322 or 07855 214 812
- NPT Carers Service – Single Point of Contact- Gateway for Carers - Available to residents Neath Port Talbot
NPT Carers provides unpaid carers with information, support, and advice. Referrals are received from SPOC, third sector agencies, and self-referrals. The goal is to ensure carers have the knowledge and resources they need to continue caring.
Services are promoted through outreach events, raising awareness, and increasing new referrals. Carers can attend our events to take a break, build friendships, and feel supported. We focus on meeting carers’ needs, maintaining their mental health and wellbeing, and helping them recognise their role.
Carers are contacted within 4 days of referral, gather necessary information, and explain our support package, which includes free counselling, information and advice sessions, benefit support, wellbeing activities, and a sitting service. We also make referrals to other organisations if needed.
Our aim is to provide early intervention, reduce stress, improve health and wellbeing, and ensure carers feel valued. Immediate support helps prevent crises and ensures carers can continue in their role effectively.
For more information, please contact:
Amy Burgess
Email: amyb@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- NPT Carers Service- Parent Carer Transition Advice and Support Officer - Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
We support parent carers of children aged 14+ with additional needs, helping them navigate the complex transition system. Our goal is to ensure carers access the right information and interventions at the right time, promoting early intervention and prevention.
We provide quick and effective signposting to other services, addressing the overwhelming need for support during transitions. Parents have highlighted the necessity of dedicated support for reassurance and clarity during this confusing time.
Our project also focuses on education and support for parents and children during transitions ensuring the whole family is supported.
NPT Carers Service offers information and advice for parents of children transitioning to adult services (aged 14-25), including benefit advice and form filling assistance. We provide advocacy, attend meetings, and contact services on behalf of parents, reducing their stress and anxiety.
For more information, please contact:
Claire Callaghan
Email: clairec@nptcarers.org.uk
Tel: 01639 642277
- Swansea Carers Centre – Swansea Carers Extended Hours – Helpline & Counselling Project - Available to residents of Swansea
There are three main parts to this service:
Extended Hours:
This service operates from 4pm – 8pm, Monday to Friday, providing carers in Swansea with telephone and online advice, information, and support, refers callers to relevant projects and advises on assessments and training opportunities.
This promotes resilience and supports independent action. It circulates information on wellbeing activities, support groups, carer grants, and more
YAC Worker:
A YAC worker is available 7 hours a week to support carers through fortnightly drop-ins, activities, and outreach. They offer advice and guidance to young carers, refers those with complex needs to the YAC wellbeing team and supports education and employment opportunities.
Counselling Service:
Offers 1-2-1 counselling remotely or face-to-face, two days a week. Helping carers in emotional crisis develop self-care strategies, balance caring with personal life, and plan for the future.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Lucille@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk or Lucy@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk
Tel: 01792 653344
- Action for Children – Wellbeing Breaks for Parents Carers – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
This project offers residential short breaks. These are for referred parent/carers a two-night short break in a high quality, fully equipped static caravan on a quiet site, set in the coastal countryside of North Gower, West Wales.
For more information, please contact:
Email: NPTSwanShortBreaks@actionforchildren.org.uk
Tel: 01792 813522
- Me Myself and I – Care Partners Support – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
This initiative is designed to support the care partners of individuals living with dementia by offering reassurance, information, advice, and a compassionate presence during a challenging time often described as life-altering. Many people have expressed that what they needed most was “a friendly face”—someone to truly listen and provide understanding.
The project addresses the urgent need for connection and relationship-building within a supportive network, which is especially vital at the start of their journey of dementia. Taking a personalised approach, the program creates tailored support plans for each family, based on their unique needs and preferences. Options include video calls, telephone conversations, in-person meetings, or a combination of these, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for all participants.
For more information, please contact:
Email: info@mminpt.co.uk
Tel: 01639 812528
Communities and Older People Programme
- Dance to Health – available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
A falls prevention dance programme for older people across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Sessions use postural stability exercises combined with dance to deliver fun classes which build strength and balance and reduce peoples’ risk of falling. classes also help tackle isolation and loneliness by providing a space for individuals to socialise at the end of each session.
For more information, please contact:
Charlotte Brindle
Email: charlottebridle@ae-sop.org
Tel: 07942276312
- Community Wellbeing Service – Swansea – available to residents of Swansea
Supports the development and delivery of a range of community initiatives to support wellbeing and increase community resilience in Swansea. The project supports the development of new and existing groups within the community that offer a range of different approaches to improve wellbeing, including volunteering, peer support and wellbeing focused activities.
For more information, please contact:
Roxane Dacey:
Email: Roxane_Dacey@scvs.org.uk
Tel: 07932 555221
- Community Wellbeing Service – Neath Port Talbot – available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
The Community Wellbeing Service, facilitated by Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service, works closely with partners in Health and Social Care to enable patients to be discharged from hospital in a safe and timely manner. The Community Wellbeing Service supports patients to identify what matters to them and provides advice and information on a range of third sector organisations and services that provide both practical and emotional support which help patients to remain happy, healthy and independent in their own homes.
For more information, please contact:
Liz Randall – Principal Officer: Email:
Tel: 01639 631246
- Regional Preventative Approaches – Building Community Assets – Swansea Council for Voluntary Service – available to residents of Swansea
Our Neighbourhood Approach supports the development and delivery of a range of community initiatives to support wellbeing and increase community resilience across Swansea. The project supports the development of new and existing groups within the community that offer a range of different approaches to improve wellbeing, including volunteering, peer support and wellbeing focused activities. The project upskills the community, develops volunteering opportunities and supports community initiatives to secure external funding.
For more information, please contact:
Roxane Dacey:
Email: Roxane_Dacey@scvs.org.uk
Tel: 07932 555221
- Regional Preventative Approaches – Building Community Assets – Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service – available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
Our Neighbourhood Approach (ONA) aims to support individuals to live longer, happier and healthier lives. Using an asset-based place-based approach to community development, ONA aims to maximise the skills, knowledge and facilities we have across Neath Port Talbot to build well networked and connected neighbourhoods, where individuals are supported to play an active role in their community and take more control of their own health and wellbeing. The focus of Our Neighbourhood Approach in Neath Port Talbot is ‘Connecting people to people, people to services and services to services.’
For more information, please contact:
Liz Randall – Principal Officer:
Email: lizr@nptcvs.org.uk
Tel: 01639 631246
- Age Connects NPT’s Good Neighbour Scheme – available to residents across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Age Connects Neath Port Talbot’s Good Neighbour Scheme supports older people in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea experiencing the highest levels of disadvantage, isolation, loneliness and deprivation to gain access at a community level to support and information services. Support focuses on preventative measures associated with reducing the need to access urgent, or prescribed health or social care services and includes practical support, home visits, befriending and independent information and advice.
For more information, please contact:
Email: info@ageconnectsnpt.org.uk
Tel: 01639 617333
- Black And Minority Ethnic (BAME) Mental Health Support – Our Elders, Our Heritage – available to residents across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
BAME Mental Health Support (BMHS) – Our Elders, Our Heritage Project empowers elderly individuals to remain independent by fostering social connections and leveraging community support systems in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. It ensures personalised, timely access to the right information and services, preventing escalation into Health and Social Care Services. The project follows a delivery model tailored to meet identified needs and supports beneficiaries, who gather every Friday at the BMHS Hub, offering a safe space for engagement and community-building.
For more information, please contact:
Helpline: 0800 144 8824
- West Cross Wellbeing Hub – available to residents in Swansea
West Cross Wellbeing Hub provides a co-ordinated hub in West Cross for a wide range of preventative, community led projects and activities engaging people across varied ages and stages of life.
The Hub is designed to bring people together and build a stronger community. Projects funded by this scheme include West Cross Youth club activities, Wellbeing Lessons for pupils transitioning from year 6 to 7, Parenting support and workshops, Holiday Play, a weekly Community Breakfast, Monthly Community Meal and twice weekly Musical Memories Choir and virtual choir for people living with dementia and carers in Swansea.
For more information, please contact:
Email: info@redcommunityproject.org.uk
Tel: 01792 403777
- Shared Homes Swansea (Homeshare) – available to residents in Swansea
Shared Homes Swansea is part of Homeshare UK. The project matches Homeowners with Homesharers based on background, interests, and personalities. The Homeowner benefits from 10 hours of lower level support every week and an overnight presence. The Homesharer benefits from safe, affordable accommodation. Both benefit from mutual companionship and company.
For more information, please contact:
Roxane Dacey:
Email: Roxane_Dacey@scvs.org.uk
Tel: 07932 555221
- Building Back Healthier Communities step by step – available to residents in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
This project is in collaboration between Ospreys in the Community and Sports and Exercise sciences at Swansea University. The project aims to increase physical activity and reduce the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity in adults aged 18-75 years in South Wales. There will also be a focus on whether these positive behaviours will continue over a prolonged period of time. The project aims to achieve the goals of improving health and physical activity levels through 3 methods: weekly walking rugby sessions, lifestyle and education sessions, and a physical activity programme outside of the sessions’
For more information, please contact:
Email: Helen.john@ospreysrugby.com or Ben.bone@ospreysrugby.com
- Care and Repair Hospital to Healthy Home Casework – available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
We provide a dedicated casework service to hospital referrers throughout the region providing advice, assistance, referrals to relevant partner organisations and quick housing repair / adaptation solutions to enable fast, safe hospital discharge, independent living and to improve wellbeing. The service will be for older people
with complex needs and long-term conditions (including dementia), strongly focusing on preventative agendas and on reducing pressures on Primary Care Services. This builds on existing good practice and will increase the scale of provision of integrated services through the quick and effective targeting of small / mid-level adaptations.
For more information, please contact:
Email: enquiries@candrwb.co.uk
Tel: 01792 798599
- Regional Community Equipment Store – available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The Regional Community Equipment Service supports people of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot through the provision of community equipment such as beds, pressure relieving mattress, Hoists, helping them to achieve and maintain independence, whilst enabling individuals to remain in their own homes.
For more information, please contact:
Michelle Worth:
Email: Michelle.Worth@swansea.gov.uk
Tel: 07970 154514
- Regional Preventative Approaches – Building Community Assets – Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council – available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
This project aims to enhance community resilience and individual wellbeing by working with and within communities, promoting inclusion and by providing a range of information, advice and assistance using an enabling approach. By supporting care and wellbeing locally, we help individuals feel safer, less isolated, and enable people to address their own outcomes and priorities leading to a reduced reliance on formal health and social care services. Our strengths-based approach empowers people to maintain a good quality of life, remain independent longer, and to build resilience. The initiative also helps to reduce demand on formal services and assists communities to address the negative impact of the cost of living, particularly in high-deprivation areas like Neath Port Talbot.
For more information, please contact:
Felicity Lewis:
Email: f.lewis@npt.gov.uk
Kate Kinsma:
Email: k.kinsman@npt.gov.uk
Regional Preventative Approaches – Building Community Assets – Swansea Council – available to residents of Swansea
This project focuses on prevention and early help resources to prevent or delay the need to access more ‘traditional’ managed care services in Swansea. The project also seeks to enable people to ‘step down’ from these same services where appropriate. To do this, the project enhances resources that support the growth of this alternative offer across community and statutory services – working alongside individuals to identify opportunities to access this support.
For more information, please contact:
Lucy Friday (Principal Officer Transformation – Swansea Council Adult Services):
Email: Lucy.Friday@swansea.gov.uk
- Me, Myself and I Community Hub – Available to Neath Port Talbot residents only
Me Myself & I provide a community hub for people living with dementia and their carers of all ages. MMI offer daybreak services and socialisation sessions to prevent isolation and loneliness and promote independence. Participants are also offered support services to help people access their community, advice and guidance for Direct Payments, Personal Assistants, training and volunteering, social events, work placements for people living with learning disabilities and those experiencing mental health issues.
For further information please contact:
Email: Jennifer.williams@mminpt.co.uk
- SCVS – Swansea Dementia and Carer Project – Available to Swansea residents only
The SCVS Swansea Dementia & Carer Project supports people living with dementia and/or their carers via three services.
- Dementia Cafes, offering Peer Support
- A befriending service supported by volunteers
- one to one support through Dementia Clinics
In addition, SCVS provide training to third sector organisations and community groups to enable them to support individuals to live well with Dementia. The training is underpinned by harnessing the power of lived experience through the production of local digital stories.
For further information:
- Red Café – Musical Memories Choir – Available to Swansea residents only
Musical Memories Choir is choir with a purpose! We were born out of a wish to enable people living with dementia and their carers to come together and experience the many benefits of singing and the friendship of others living through similar experiences. There are currently three ways you can join Musical Memories Choir each week:
- Join us in person! All are welcome and there is no need to book. There are two choirs, one in Manselton and one in West Cross. We ask that people living with dementia come with a family member or carer.
- Every Friday at 11.10am-12 we have our weekly virtual Musical Memories Choir session. You can watch live via our Facebook page or on zoom, YouTube our website.
- Use our sing at home resources such as songbooks, CD’s and DVD’s.
For further information:
Email: helen@redcommunityproject.org.uk:
Tel: 01792 403777
- Ospreys in the Community – Sporting Memories – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The Sporting Memories Project hold a number of weekly sessions across Swansea & NPT. The project engages with people who are living with dementia, depression, loneliness or who are socially isolated as well as their carers through the power of sport. The activities that take place include reminiscing about a wide range of sports that take place locally, nationally, and internationally; playing games and activities (including light physical activities); looking at sporting memorabilia and photographs; watching video clips and listening to music.
For further information:
- Community Memory Support Team, Swansea Bay UHB – Available to Neath, Port Talbot residents only
The project funds four Dementia Support Workers. The support workers provide dedicated and specialist support to individuals who are identified as having a need. The Support Workers will work with people whilst they wait for a diagnosis of dementia, by developing an integrated support plan, and coordinating practical and emotional support as required to support people to maintain their independence and improve their sense of well-being and take control of their own lives.
For further information:
- West Glamorgan Dementia Partnership – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The West Glamorgan Dementia Partnership comprises five organisations: Age Cymru West Glamorgan, Citizens Advice Swansea Neath Port Talbot, Swansea Carers Centre, Neath Port Talbot Carers Service and Care & Repair Western Bay.
Together, they provide the Dementia Support Service which offer a broad range of support for people living with dementia and their carers. This includes help with legal and financial matters, claiming benefits, household chores, support at home, home adaptations, and carer respite. The service is tailored to individual needs, aiming to improve well-being and independence.
For more information, or dementia-specific support:
Email: info@dementiasupportservice.org.uk
Tel: 01792 277 778
- Dementia Care Connects – Available to Neath, Port Talbot residents only
Our Project focuses on Community Outreach Hubs that meet weekly in several accessible venues across the borough. They provide a holistic and cost-effective early intervention programme to improve older people’s health, wellbeing and reduce dependency, whilst also reducing reliance upon expensive or intensive care provision.
Dementia Care Connects Outreach Hub activities maintain and improve the confidence, self-esteem, independence and physical/emotional wellbeing of some of the most isolated and marginalised older people through provision of accessible activities including physical activity, creative/craft sessions, reminiscence workshops, talks programme, excursions, musical therapy sessions and independent information and advice.
For further information:
- Dementia Pathfinder Service, Age Cymru – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The Dementia Pathfinder Service supports people living with dementia, and their carers by working with them to develop a personalised support plan that provides a pathway to local services that can support them to live well and enjoy life for as long as possible.
We work collaboratively with local NHS services, GP surgeries, local voluntary services and older people in communities, to raise awareness of dementia, memory clinics and to support timely diagnosis.
For further information:
- Dementia Support Service, Alzheimer’s Society – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The Dementia Support Service Project support those people waiting to be seen by the Memory Assessment Service through an established pathway of dementia support, so that those worried about their memory and those needing guidance through the diagnosis process have the information, advice, and navigation they need. Our dementia support service is a single point of access which works hand in hand with clinical care.
It connects service users, including carers with vital practical support to empower them to independently manage their condition and remain active within their community. Anyone affected by dementia can be referred pre- or post-diagnosis into the service by their GP, Social Services, carer, family, or they can refer themselves.
For further information:
- Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care and Older People’s Mental Health Services, Swansea Bay UHB – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The Advanced Nurse Practitioner manages clinical practice within the Memory Assessment Service as an autonomous clinical practitioner to differentiate and formulate diagnosis for people with suspected dementia and identify suitable medical and psychosocial treatment pathways.
Access to this service is via a referral from a GP.
- Speech and Language Therapy in Memory Assessment Service, Swansea Bay UHB – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
Dementia Speech and Language Therapists are employed as part of Memory Assessment Services for the general population across Swansea Bay University Health Board to provide specialist communication and dysphagia (i.e. swallowing difficulties) assessment, advice and support for people presenting with early cognitive and linguistic changes. This includes young onset dementia services as well as services for older adults.
Access to this service is via referral only.
Marie Curie Dementia Care and Respite Services Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
Dementia Care and Respite Service assesses people’s needs, providing information, advice and emotional support. We offer short episodes of care to provide respite to families and carers. The Dementia Helper Service provides volunteers for companionship and emotional support. The volunteers can attend appointments, social events and help with small everyday tasks. The volunteer can supply information regarding other support services available. This gives carers and family an opportunity for a break whilst the volunteer is visiting.
For further information:
Well-being and Learning Disability Programme
- Melin Community Trust – Crafty Potters Group Sessions – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
Crafty Potters provides two weekly sessions at Melin Community Trust Centre, Neath for people with learning disabilities and their carers.
- Every Wednesday, 10.30 – 12.30 – Arts and Crafts
- Every Friday, 10.00 – 12.30 – Movie Morning
The project also arranges days out/trips at various points in the year. The project provides support for individuals with learning disabilities and their carers. The sessions provide time to socialise and meet other people that may also be facing similar issues, as well being creative and getting out and about and having fun at the centre.
For more information, please contact:
Email: admin@neatheast.co.uk
- Independent Skills Residential – Interplay – Available to residents in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The project offers two-night residentials giving children and young people aged 12-17 and young people aged 18-25 the opportunity to learn more about what it means to be independent. Activities include cooking and cleaning, group and team activities as well as meeting new people and building new friendship groups. The residentials are held in safe locations with high levels of support staff, to enable children and young people to experience independent living situations in venues that are accessible. The residentials offer a broader social experience to children and young people that do not often get a chance to interact outside of their own family network.
For further information:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk or info@interplay.org.uk
Tel: 01792 561119
- Enabled Project – Interplay – Available to residents in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The Enabled project is open to 18–25-year-old adults with learning disabilities across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. It offers weekly sessions and longer group activity workshops. The weekly sessions are participative and focus on providing short core skills sessions combined with space to allow young people to also work on developing their social networks and building social and communication skills. The workshops focus on introducing bigger concepts and cover a wide range of topics, anything from understanding personal finance to wellbeing activities such as walks and cultural visits. All activities and sessions are planned based on the needs of the young people and are experiential in nature, designed to challenge, stimulate and inform participants.
For further information:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk or info@interplay.org.uk
Tel: 01792 561119
- Fy Mywyd Transitional Support – Neath Port Talbot Council – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
The project has developed a team of 3 workers who provide 6-12 weeks intensive support to help people with learning disabilities and complex behaviours to transition successfully to the next phase of their independence. The team are aligned to the Primary Care Clusters and use a progression, person centre developmental approach with clear goal setting. The goals are regularly reviewed and monitored and pathways for progression are established with volunteering, employment, and learning opportunities linked with wider programmes of support.
The following areas of support are delivered as part of the project:
- Independence at Home Skills Development
- Travel training
- Independence in the community
- Stigma associated with learning disabilities
For more information, please contact:
Email: F.Lewis@npt.gov.uk
- Taith Community Transport – Awel Aman Tawe – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
Taith is a community electric transport scheme based in Cwmllynfell. Awel Aman Tawe receives Regional Integration Funding through West Glamorgan for two Learning Disability projects through Taith. Taith have three electric vehicle and five bikes to support vulnerable groups and individuals with clean transport. For the Learning Disability Community in the West Glamorgan Region, Taith offers an affordable transport service for those who need to attend medical appointments, shopping trips and social activities.
Taith have recently started a new project based on feedback from their current services and clients. They are developing a small pilot bus/travel buddy system to people with learning disabilities that may feel they need an extra level of support when navigating the public transport system.
For further information:
- Positive Behaviour Support E-Learning Awareness Course – Swansea Bay UHB – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The project involves the development and publication of an up-to-date E-Learning awareness course on ‘Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)’. The course will be fully co-produced with experts by experience and professionals from the beginning. The course aims to support staff across organisations and carers to understand the values that are integral to PBS and offer tools to empower them to identify and meet the needs of the people they support.
Following the completion of the course, it will be available freely to individuals to access on a variety of portals including Learning@wales and ESR.
For further information, please contact:
Email: Amanda.hartland2@wales.nhs.uk
- Keep Me Healthy Too – Your Voice Advocacy – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
This project focuses on encouraging and facilitating the uptake of annual health checks for people with a learning disability. Your Voice Advocacy’s previous project on annual health checks found that not all people with a learning disability are aware they are entitled to an annual health check and those who are receiving them have varied experiences in the quality of the service they receive.
The annual health check process encourages people to live healthier lives, with regard to their diets, the beneficial effects of exercise, and managing any chronic health conditions. All of these things are closely linked to an impact on overall mental health and emotional well-being.
For further information:
- The “Count Me In” Project – Swansea Council and Your Voice Advocacy – Available to Swansea (Gorseinon) residents
The Count Me In project aims to build a community network for people with a learning disability who live in Gorseinon, Swansea. The project aims to identify and support people with a learning disability and/or Autistic Spectrum Disorder, to work alongside local services and amenities to raise awareness of their needs and to feel a part of a more supportive and informed community. Those involved in the project are being supported to find out about and have more influence over local services where they live. They are encouraged to integrate into mainstream community activities and services.
For further information:
- Children and Young People Learning Disability Support – BMHS BAME Mental Health Support – Available to residents of Swansea
The project offers peer support, information, advice & guidance, bespoke activities, provision of support of pathways to main stream services for children and young people with learning disabilities and neurodevelopmental conditions along with their families/support networks.
The project aims to:
- Normalise disability conversations within the BAME communities to empower families, young people and children are able to find their voices and have the confidence to access appropriate services
- Support families to take ownership of their pathway by being better informed of all available options to them
- Empowerment through activities that build up social skills and confidence
For further information:
Email: admin@bamementalhealth.org
- Gig Buddies Cymru – Learning Disability Wales – Available to residents of Swansa and Neath Port Talbot
Gig Buddies has launched in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. The friendship project pairs up adults with a learning disability and/or autism with a volunteer buddy who shares the same interests and hobbies, so they can attend social activities together, at a time and place that suits them. It addresses loneliness and isolation, helps to increase independence and confidence, and normalises people with a learning disability attending mainstream events, particularly at night where there is a lack of traditional support.
A ‘gig’ is whatever they want to do together – from concerts and musicals, to sport matches, theme parks, cafes, or just a nice walk in the park. Gig Buddies also have opportunities to attend regular social events, where they can meet and make friends with other Gig Buddies.
For further information:
- Let’s face this challenge: Developing Online Tools for Children and Young People with a Learning Disability – Swansea Bay University Health Board – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
This project is developing online tools that can be utilised by families, carers and professionals, who are supporting children and young people with a learning disability and behaviours that challenge. The aim is to provide a range of accessible resources that empower families and others who provide support so that they may better meet the needs of individuals they support. The resources will be accessible via a media link and the availability of this will be shared via Health and Local Authority networks as well as a suite of social media platforms.
For further information, please contact:
Email: hayley.barratt@wales.nhs.uk
- SortedSupported: Learning Disability Webpages – Swansea CVS – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
The learning disability webpages project has developed from the SortedSupported project, that was awarded RIF funding under West Glamorgan’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Programme. The Sorted Supported website went live in October 2024. It provides adults, parent/carers and professionals with information about common mental health and emotional issues, self-help materials and points of contact for local service support (third sector, NHS, LA) and to highlight national organisations that aim to help with these issues. There is a page for people with learning disability on sorted supported, however the RIF funding is being used to develop more detailed and tailored easy read pages for people with learning disability and their supporter networks.
For further information:
Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Programme
- Jac Lewis Foundation – West Glamorgan Mental Health Hub – Available to resident of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
The Jac Lewis Foundation provides a mental health walk in service at the Swansea.com stadium weekly for any members of the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot communities that are experiencing difficulty with their mental health.
Sessions run every Friday between 10am-3pm at the Swansea.com Stadium. There is a range of providers and services present, which allows immediate access to help. Counselling is also possible via this project.
For more information:
Email: Jaclewisfoundation@gmail.com
Tel: 07368828515
- Jac Lewis Foundation – Counselling for Near Miss Suicide Cases – Available to residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.
The Foundation provides a West Glamorgan Counselling Service for Residents living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot that are or have been suicidal and do not have any support in place. This project offers immediate support from qualified and experienced psychotherapists, individuals can also access support through the foundations Mental Health Hub on a Friday to gain access to other organisations that can provide support for any issues the individual is facing, which is exasperating their suicidal ideation such as, money worries or housing issues.
For more information:
Email: admin@jaclewisfoundation.co.uk
Tel: 07368828515
- Swansea Community Farm – Farming for Wellbeing – Available to residents of Swansea.
This is a wellbeing project which offers the opportunity to engage in the Five Ways to Wellbeing through a programme of structured outdoor volunteering, being involved in all aspects of Farm life, from animal care to veg growing, habitat management and campfire cooking. Volunteering opportunities are open to all adults living in Swansea, but the project is targeted at those with physical and mental health challenges who need a supportive environment and meaningful work to help them improve their wellbeing.
For more information:
- Neath Port Talbot Mind Association – Supported Self Help in NPT – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot.
Supported Self Help is a six-week guided self-help programme to help people understand and feel more in control of their mental health and emotions. It is aimed at people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of mental ill health such as depression, anger, stress or anxiety. This service is for anyone aged 18+ living in Neath Port Talbot area.
For more information or self-referral:
Email: info@nptmind.org.uk
Tel: 01639 643510
- Neath Port Talbot Mind Association – Supported Self Help for Young People (11-18) – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot.
Supported Self Help for young people is a six-week guided self-help programme to help young people understand and feel more in control of their mental health and emotions and to provide young people with tools they can use during challenging life experiences. The service is aimed at those with mild-to-moderate symptoms of mental ill health. To access this project, you must be living in Neath Port Talbot area and be 11-18 years old.
For more information:
Email: info@nptmind.org.uk
Tel: 01639 643510
- Swansea Mind – Adult Active Monitoring – Available to residents of Swansea.
Provided by Swansea Mind this is a 6-week guided self-help programme for people with mild to moderate mental health difficulties, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, feeling alone, managing anger, grief and loss. It aims is to help people better understand and manage their emotions. This scheme is a practical, hands-on and goal orientated approach to support, where the aim of the sessions is to formulate a personalized toolkit of resources that are tailored to support your own individual wellbeing. This support is provided remotely and is available to anyone within the Swansea area of age 18+.
For more information or self-referral:
Email: admin@swanseamind.org.uk
Tel: 01792 642999
- Swansea Mind – Active Monitoring for Young People (11-18) – Available to residents of Swansea.
Provided by Swansea Mind, this is a 6-week guided self-help programme for young people aged 11-18 with mild to moderate mental health difficulties living in Swansea area. This can be offered face-to-face (in schools, in the community, or via phone/internet. This project gives the opportunity to explore mental health difficulties with a mental health practitioner. This includes, general emotional support, access to psychoeducational and self-help resources for the following common mental health problems; anxiety & panic attacks, low mood & depression, managing stress, managing anger, loneliness and feeling alone, low self-esteem, and coping with grief and loss, as well as signposting to other services. Monitoring and evaluation of mental health throughout the course of the programme. The opportunity to reflect on and evaluate personal progress.
For more information:
Email: admin@swanseamind.org.uk
Tel: 01792 642999
- BAME Mental Health Support Bereavement Support – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
The BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) Mental Health Support project offers culturally sensitive emotional support to individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot who are experiencing bereavement and loss. Our services include language and interpretation assistance, therapeutic and emotional support, help with funeral arrangements, guidance on bereavement grant claims, and immigration communication when necessary. We provide support in multiple languages to ensure accessibility for all.
For more information:
- Swansea Carers Centre – Swansea Carers Mental Health & Wellbeing Support Project (16+) – Available to residents of Swansea.
This project provides personalised, 1-2-1, face to face & telephone/online support helping to improve vulnerable carer’s well-being living in Swansea. It aims to help carers achieving better emotional wellbeing, avoid crises and navigate their way to other appropriate support services. This project offers listening service, befriending calls, advice and assistance, onward referral to other services, practical support, access to wellbeing support groups run by the project and access to wellbeing activities (e.g. mindfulness, stress control), tools (to improve happiness and wellbeing, yoga, tai chi), training and other services including grant applications. To access it you must be a Carer, living in Swansea and be 16+.
For more information:
Email: admin@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk
Tel: 01792 653344
- Swansea Carers Centre – Carers and Older People Connect – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
This project aimed at carers and older people 50+ across Swansea and Neath port Talbot area. It offers various training and activities including craft sessions, cinema trips and various indoor and outdoor activities aimed at increasing social opportunities and reduce isolation/ loneliness of carers and older. This project brings carers and older people together – online and face to face to meet others, share experiences, develop new interests/learn new skills through a minimum of two weekly group activity sessions, facilitated by a trained staff member.
For more information:
Email: rosie@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk
Tel: 01792 653344
- Congolese Development Project – BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) Mental Health Support Awareness – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
We are pleased to offer emotional and mental health support services for the BAME community in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot Areas. Our support includes personalised one-to-one and group therapy sessions, alongside a variety of group activities such as art projects, volunteering opportunities, and themed activity days.
We also offer outdoor activities, including beach walks, picnics in local parks, and healthy living talks. In addition, we provide advice, assistance, and referrals to other relevant services and organisations, as well as access to certified mental health first aiders.
For further information, please contact us at:
Email: info@cdpwales.org.uk
Freephone: 0330 229 0333
- CoedLleol SmallWoods – Social Prescribing the Woodland Way – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Nature-based 6-week programmes, of activities in woodlands, plus one-off / drop-in engagement sessions. Sessions are tailored to meet the needs of specific participants and groups, this can include mindfulness, nature art, bushcraft, foraging, campfire cooking and woodland walking.
The sessions cater for children and young people aged 0 – 25, therefore the groups are split to cater for the different needs of the age groups. Conversations with groups are held in advance to ensure they are on designed to suit requirements.
This project is aimed at those children and young people across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot who are not in, or struggle with mainstream education, to experience learning and personal development in outdoor settings.
For more information:
Email: GemmaBarnes@smallwoods.org.uk
- The Wallich The Reflections Network – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
An in-house bespoke therapeutic service offering trauma informed counselling for people with experience of homelessness, vulnerable housing, substance use, relationship breakdown, mental health, and the criminal justice system. The inclusive community-based therapy is for those with past and current trauma and associated multiple disadvantages. Counselling significantly improves mental health and wellbeing, reduces problematic coping strategies, and leads to substantial, long-lasting changes. Sessions are unlimited and provided for Wallich Service Users in the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot areas, most of whom would be unable to access counselling outside of the Reflections Network due to affordability.
An internal referral is needed for this service.
For more information, please contact:
Email: Steve.masterman@thewallich.net
Tel: 02920 668464
- Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) – Welcome to Swansea Pandemic Recovery Project – Available to residents of Swansea.
The Better Welcome to Swansea project is dedicated to supporting newly arrived individuals seeking asylum by helping them acclimate to the city and navigate the challenges they face due to their unique circumstances. Weekly meetings at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea provide opportunities for socializing, networking, and learning coping strategies, all aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being. These sessions are extremely well attended and have facilitated valuable partnerships with various third-sector and statutory organisations. In addition to group activities, the project offers personalised support through volunteer mentoring and staff assistance for those with more complex needs. This project provides information on local services, practical and emotional support, runs workshops, encourage volunteering, helps accessing ESOL classes and offers health promoting talks. To access this service you need to live in Swansea area.
For more information:
Email: involve@scvs.org.uk
Tel: 01792 457299
- Llamau – Counselling (Swansea and NPT) – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Internal Counselling Service for young people with experiences of homelessness, care, domestic abuse and childhood trauma, enabling better access to a range of therapeutic services to improve mental and emotional well-being. This project offers wraparound support system to ensure risks/needs are addressed holistically. Apart of counselling it provides access to online resources, wellbeing tools and signposting to services/further information.
To access this service, you must be a young person (aged 16-25) supported by Llamau in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot area.
For more information:
Email: Enquiries@llamau.org.uk
Tel: 02920 239 585
- Chinese In Wales Association – You Matter 2 – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
This project encourages and creates opportunities for Chinese minority older people to integrate with the local community to keep active and to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. This includes access to different local services, learning new skills to be self-sustaining, developing new friendships by joining social events to prevent depression or isolation, and attending weekly social and physical activities. Some of the examples are: Weekly Marina Walk, weekly Tea and Chat social gatherings, Calligraphy Pioneering Class, First Aid and Defibrillator Training, Dementia Awareness and Services available after diagnosis.
For more information:
Email: yen@chineseinwales.org.uk
Tel: 01792469919
- Chinese In Wales Association – Your Helping Hands – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
This project offers counselling sessions in Cantonese, Mandarin, Hakka and English to members of Chinese ethnic minority living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot area, who are having mental health condition (depression, anxiety or eating disorder) or who are at a very high risk of developing mental illness and are currently struggling with emotional health (having upsetting physical condition, experiencing a difficult life event). This service is available for people of any age, and it could be accessed face to face or online and it is provided by trained/qualified counsellors and psychotherapists. This project offers a Support Worker, providing more practical help to individuals and where necessary their carers.
For more information:
Email: wellbeing@chineseinwales.org.uk
Tel: 01792469919
- Swansea Wellbeing Centre CIC – Tier 0 Mental Health Support and Wellbeing Support – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Based in warm and welcoming Swansea Wellbeing Centre this project offers a preventative recovery-based and trauma informed approach, a key aim is to reduce the need for more specialist support. The project supports a high number of people with anxiety, agoraphobia, social isolation, adults and young people at risk and individuals with deterioration of existing mental health distress impacting family members. Via this project people living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot on low income can access counselling, coping skills groups, counsellor led walk and talk sessions -and more – all delivered by fully qualified , experienced, registered and supervised professionals.
For more information:
Email: centre@wellbeingswansea.co.uk
Tel: 01792 732071
- Caredig – Dechrau – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
This project offers support for Caredig tenants living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot, whose mental wellbeing is negatively affected. These could be older people with complex needs, adults experiencing poor mental health and people who are having negative emotional health and wellbeing. A Dechrau Wellbeing Co-ordinator can facilitate tenants’ entry to access other services and activities to build an emotional support network for lasting connections. This project also provides time-limited psychological support if access to tier 2/3 services is not immediate. Easy access to information about other groups and personal mental wellbeing techniques can be developed.
Dechrau focuses on what matters to Caredig tenants, their life and their mental wellbeing and what strengths and capacities the person already has that they can build on. The project works in partnership with internal teams to help tenants with all aspects of their tenancy and also forges partnerships with charities and networks to assist those who need short or long term help.
For more information, please contact:
Email: info@caredig.co.uk
Tel: 01792 460192
- Anxiety Support Wales – Headfirst Project – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
The Headfirst Project by Anxiety Support Wales CIC offers a series of 8-12 counselling sessions designed to educate individuals on the neuroscience behind anxiety, teach practical coping skills, and provide effective strategies for managing anxiety and panic attacks. The ultimate aim is to empower individuals to better handle their anxiety and reduce its impact on their daily lives. Sessions take place on a 1-1 basis working with specialised counsellors in a supportive and safe environment, enabling participants to openly express their concerns and explore various coping strategies. This valuable project is accessible to adults in the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot area who are dealing with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.
For more information:
Email: anxietyswansea@outlook.com
Tel: 07562290133
- African Community Centre – Reach Me – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Reach Me counselling service at the African Community Centre specialises in one-to-one counselling service for people from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds including asylum seekers and refugees. We accept referrals from General Practitioners, Third Sector agencies and self-referrals. This project is open to those living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot area.
Reach Me also offers Healthy Living Talks and information. Training Courses on topics linked to emotional wellbeing (e.g. Confidence building and trauma).
For more information:
Email: info@africancommunitycentre.org.uk
Tel: 0330 229 2995 or 01792 470298
- New Pathways – Therapeutic Counselling Services for Adults – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
New Pathways offers specialist support, compassionate and confidential service for adults and young people who have been affected by rape, sexual assault or abuse. Support can be accessed by phone, face to face or online. This project offers access to wellbeing services, which can prepare individuals for counselling sessions (also offered via this service). New Pathways counsellors are qualified, registered and have experience of working with trauma and with sexual violence. Some of the common issues are low self-esteem, guilt and shame, anxiety and fear, symptoms of PTSD, depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and feelings and anger. To access this service you need to live in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot area.
For more information:
Email: enquiries@newpathways.org.uk
Tel: 01685 379310
- Delivered in partnership with the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership and managed by Swansea CVS – Sorted Supported – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
SortedSupported is a website for adults to help explore mental health and wellbeing. Featuring information about common issues and where support is available in Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot, the website is for adults their families and carers, and the professionals who support them. SortedSupported is also developing content for adults with learning disabilities and people who support them.
SortedSupported is a website brought to you on behalf of the West Glamorgan partnership and hosted by Swansea SCVS. The content has been contributed to by a wide number of public and third sector organisations.
For more information:
Neurodiverse Programme
Children and Young People’s Programme
- Y Hub – YMCA, Swansea – Available to residents of Swansea
Y-Hub (YMCA, Swansea) is an open-access project offering a safe space for 11- 25, year olds in Swansea city centre. It provides a Friday night youth club and outreach services focusing on school and street biased youth work in high-risk areas, it is a direct response to the needs of young people in Swansea who may be engaged in or vulnerable to; County Lines, Antisocial Behaviour and Exploitation as well as young people who may be not in education or employment. Y-Hub is all about building strong professional relationships with young people to create a positive influence and support in their lives.
For more information, please contact:
Matt McLaughlin:
Tel: 07535811189
- Glantawe Riverside Park – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
Glantawe Riverside Park (NPT) provides Agored Cymru accredited courses for secondary school learners who are struggling to access mainstream education and are in danger of becoming Not in Employment, Education or Training; some have literacy difficulties; some are neurodiverse or have emotional behavioural or mental health issues. Glantawe offer a wide range of outdoor activities which develop practical skills and resilience. There is a focus on practical problem-solving, addressing issues around anxiety / social anxiety / social isolation and fostering self-esteem through manageable challenges which allow young people the opportunity to question and reshape their comfort zone. The aim is to prove these young people can be successful in terms of self-reliance and collaboration, and at the same time be of value to the world around them.
Glantawe Riverside Park, SA8 3HZ
For more information, please contact:
Tel: 07585779574
- The Circus Development Project. Circus Eruption, Swansea – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The Circus Development Project (Circus Eruption, Regional) delivers creative, integrated interventions to support children and young people on the edge of care/care experienced, to reduce the need for more intensive forms of support, through activities and workshops alongside strategic partner organisations. Circus Eruption workshops are physical activities that focus on participation principles that increase confidence and self-esteem and encourage positive decision-making. The young people make decisions and choices to support autonomy, and feedback is acted upon so that the children and young people know they are taken seriously and their voices heard. Eruption’s person centred, bespoke approach means that not only are they supporting those who have specific needs, but also that others in the room see that EVERYONE is worth supporting. Children and young people who engage on this project have opportunities to engage with Eruption’s longer-term work, developing positive relationships with peers and trusted adults which can continue throughout and beyond their eligibility for other services.
A regional project delivered by Circus Eruption who are based in Cwmbwrla, Swansea. Provided by Circus Eruption.
For more information, please contact:
Email: amanda@circuseruption.co.uk
Tel: 01792 795778
- SGO/Kinship care project. Swansea CVS – Available to residents of Swansea
SGO project supports those granted/considering/transitioning to a Special Guardianship Order. The project offers support to the carer or the child or both separately or as a family unit to enjoy quality time together with support. Support is offered in a way that meets their individual needs e.g. support to attend a group. Children may receive support of a volunteer to befriend them, access activities, be aware of services that may help meet a need. In addition, staff attend two SGO carers groups that meet in the community to offer support, encourage engagement with services and participation in the scheme.
For more information, please contact:
Email: involve@scvs.org.uk
Tel: 01792457299
- Western Bay Post Adoption Service – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The project provides psychological and therapeutic support to adopted young people and their families across Swansea and NPT. recognising the impact of early traumatic experiences which result in many children with an adoption plan having complex psychological, social and emotional needs which can have a profound effect on the psychological health and well-being of the family as a whole. The project intervenes with children and young people across the whole adoption journey from preplacement support, early in placement support and support to longstanding placements. The team also work to support social workers and other professionals in better understanding the needs of adopted children.
For more information, please contact:
Email: enquiries@westernbayadoption.org
- Bouncing Back Plus-Action for Children – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Bouncing Back Plus is an early intervention, resilience building programme for Young People, Key Stage 2 and upwards. It is delivered across the region in partnership between Action for Children and the Ospreys in the Community team. Derived from a targeted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy evidence-based programme designed for Young Person the programme combines coping skills and physical exercise to build resilience and reduce low mood (including depressive/anxiety indicators) through group discussion and practical tools/coping skills to manage day-to-day emotional wellbeing. The programme also equips teaching staff with 12 Decider Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) skills, to enable them to support the Young Person to reinforce and maintain the skills learnt during the programme: distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.
For more information, please contact:
Christina Williams (Service Coordinator):
Email: christina.williams@actionforchildren.org.uk
- Well Being Worker – Hosted by Dewis – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot
Dewis has been delivering housing related support to children and young people (aged 16- 25) in Neath Port Talbot since 1987 by providing supported accommodation services. The Wellbeing Worker role adds value to the support offered to young people who present with mental health or wellbeing concerns across our services. At the point of referral, every young person is assessed for supported accommodation by our Wellbeing Worker. If any immediate mental health or wellbeing concerns present, the Wellbeing Worker will liaise with the safeguarding lead to progress with appropriate onward referrals. When a young person is offered supported accommodation, part of their initial support planning involved a wellbeing assessment (WEMWBS). This helps to ascertain how they feel about their own wellbeing and enables the Wellbeing Worker with Colleagues and the young person to co-produce the support plan and set goals to help them progress. Mental Health assessments are repeated quarterly to assist self-reflection and adjust goals or consider additional support, referral or onward referral where required. Our aim is to support the young person and alleviate onward referral to higher-tier services.
For more information, please contact:
Email: mail@dewishousing.org
Tel: 01639 882536
- Farm Ways to Wellbeing- Swansea Community Farm – Available to residents of Swansea.
Farm Clwb is a chance for young people aged 8-18 to volunteer at Wales only city Farm. Swansea Community Farm child and youth project improves wellbeing, inclusion, confidence and relationships for those experiencing mental health and wellbeing challenges. The project offers them opportunities to engage in healthy outdoor activities, peer support and learn self-management skills for their mental health. They learn to support others and reduce social isolation for young people struggling long-term Mental health effects of the pandemic, the project also offers wellbeing Wednesday sessions for young people struggling in mainstream education due to poor mental health
For more information, please contact:
Email: cerys@swanseacommunityfarm.org.uk
Tel: 01792 578384
- Care for our children. Chinese in Wales – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The project is dedicated to enhancing the mental well-being of children and young people with Chinese heritage in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot, aged between 11-24. The project provides regular social and physical activities, professional counselling sessions to children and young people who are having mental health issues or at high risk of ill mental health. The project also offers outdoor events, physical sessions, educational workshops and dissemination of information, which includes sharing details about community resources and organisations. The project promotes local mental health services, translating relevant information for parents to better support their children.
For more information, please contact:
Email: wellbeing@chineseinwales.org.uk
- Therapeutic Counselling Services for Children/Young People-New Pathways – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
This service is offered regionally and provides therapeutic counselling to children and young people from aged 3 to 18 years old who have experienced sexual violence (rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse) to overcome their experiences.
Counsellors have had specialist training to work with children and young people in a trauma informed way utilising a number of NICE approved therapies. Clients are enabled to deal with their trauma symptoms and encouraged to adopt healthy coping strategies that will enable them to move forward in a more positive way.
For more information, please contact:
Email: helen.stacey@newpathways.org.uk
- The Playroom Project. Family and Therapy Community Interest Company –Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The Family and Therapy Community Interest Company is a Swansea-based not-for-profit organisation that provides support to individuals both locally and beyond, offering services in person and online. It also operates within schools to offer children, young people (CYP), and families specialised therapeutic services, including counselling for children, young people, and their parents, play therapy for children aged 3-12, family therapy, and relationship-based parent support. The Playroom Project specifically supports individuals from Swansea, Neath, and Port Talbot.
The Playroom Project delivers a range of evidence-based, developmentally appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions to meet the needs of individuals of all ages, with a strong focus on prevention and early intervention. Our therapists work with children from age 3 and their parents to address issues such as parenting and attachment challenges, childhood adverse experiences, anxiety, depression, trauma, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, self-harm, and OCD.
Our team shares a deep commitment to nurturing emotional well-being, creating a safe, compassionate, and nurturing environment where children can express themselves freely and begin their journey toward growth and understanding. Our therapies are designed to meet each child at their point of need, supporting them and their families to make sense of their experiences so they are integrated, allowing them to feel more confident and experience greater freedom within themselves. We believe in the power of play, early intervention and the importance of supporting the whole family, striving to make a lasting, positive difference in the lives of every child and family we work with.
For more information, please contact:
Rachel Butt (Operations Manager for Family and Therapy):
Email: Rachel@familyandtherapy.co.uk
Tel: 07546614644
- Brighter futures: ACE recovery and Brighter Futures. Faith in Families – Available to residents Swansea
The project provides bespoke 1-2-1 non-intrusive interventions for children who require extra support with: Understanding and managing strong emotions, processing traumatic events, attachment difficulties, anxiety, self-esteem and family relationships. Working across Swansea we offer non-intrusive therapeutic and emotional literacy support, supporting children who have experienced often multiple adverse childhood experiences and are struggling with big emotions such as anger and anxiety, which displays in unwanted behaviours meaning that they find school, friendships and life in general difficult. Our approach is trauma informed and focuses on the strengths of young people and the small things we can do every day to support our wellbeing. The project supports children and young people by giving them the tools to not only understand their emotions but to regulate them. Through support, children are able to communicate their emotional needs as well as use various proven emotional regulation tools to soothe themselves in times of distress.
For more information, please contact:
Linda Harle:
Email: brighterfutures@faithinfamilies.wales
Tel: 01792 773396
- Swans Foundation – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Swans supporting the mental health of children & Young People-Swans Foundation – The project provides themed sessions that support children and young people across the region ages 8 – 18. The early intervention project works with young people, at primary and secondary level, to increase their understanding of mental health and wellbeing, with classroom-based sessions focusing on health-promoting behaviours, such as sleep, nutrition, exercise and positive relationships. We utilise the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ in our practical sessions to actively engage young people in positive activities that empower them to sustain long-term health and wellbeing. Educational workshops help young people to recognise when and where to seek help and how to advocate for others.
For more information:
- Interplay – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Interplay’s Wellbeing 4 Early Years – 4 –11 – Through play the project enables young people aged 4-11 years living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot with physical disability, neurodiversity, mental health and emotional support needs to keep active, stay well and be happy. children take part in free choice play and structured activities that increase independence skills, and group sessions that encourage social interaction. The project enables children with additional support needs of a wide variety to have access to play and leisure opportunities that promote and increase confidence, self-awareness, social and independence skills. The project aim is to enable children to have the strategies and resilience, once they have developed those skills, to safely access the same mainstream activities as their peers; and to achieve their full potential in adult life.
For more information, please contact:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk or info@interplay.org.uk
Tel: 01792 561119
- Interplay – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Interplay’s ENSpir & Wellbeing Project 12-18 – The project enables young people aged 12-18 year living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot with physical disability, neurodiversity, mental health and emotional support needs to keep active, stay well and be happy. Interplay provides a skills-based provision that increases young people’s confidence and wellbeing through leisure activities, social opportunities and wellbeing sessions, enabling them to access wellbeing support, new experiences, learn new skills, expand their outlook on the world and have a better understanding of their own future potential. The project provides opportunities for freely chosen play and the associated social opportunities thus created, in a safe environment, as well as supported access to activities in local communities. By having access to these opportunities the young people learn to develop the necessary life skills and self-awareness to express themselves and enable them to improve their own wellbeing. Through the project young people learn to be more independent, to try new things and develop friendships.
For more information, please contact:
Email: referral@interplay.org.uk or info@interplay.org.uk
Tel: 01792 561119
- The Multi Agency Therapeutic Support Service – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea open to Child and Family Services
The Multi Agency Therapeutic Support Service is a regional approach with local delivery by NPT Council and Swansea Council. The project provides direct support to vulnerable families with complex issues, and particularly where there may be a possibility that a child or children could be taken into care or to prevent the escalation of need to promote placement stability for care experienced children.
By providing a preventative approach the model brings all therapeutic service provision together to create a much larger Multi Agency Therapeutic Support Service. The service delivers a staged based model that ensures consistency in referral information and a timely response.
This can include supporting the system to help social workers and other professionals working with the family to make sense of the complex needs within families, how to intervene and what therapeutically informed interventions are suitable. They provide a team around the family approach that increases staff knowledge and understanding, confidence and skill in terms of being more therapeutically informed. We also work directly with children and families offering therapeutic support helping them to build relationships/attachment security, promoting emotionally attuned care and helping families to stay together up to and including working to avoid the need for residential care due to placement instability
- The Edge of Care – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
The Edge of Care, Working Together delivers a regional approach with local delivery from NPT Council and Swansea Council work intensively over multiple weeks in the home environment as well as in *intensive residential setting if needed (*Swansea only). It provides families with the help they need to ensure children and young people grow up in conditions that are safe, that do not impact negatively on their well-being and allow them to develop to their full potential.
- Early Help Hubs – Available to residents of Swansea
Early Help Hubs-Swansea Council have 5 Early Help Hubs across the locality; ensuring that children and families have access to the right support at the right time from the right person regardless of age and location. They include multi-agency representation providing a single, integrated resource for family support.
For more information:
- Jac Lewis Foundation – Available to residents of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Counselling for near miss suicide cases-Jac Lewis Foundation This regional project provides a preventative service to decrease the risk of suicide and increase the wellbeing of the persons being referred into the project by providing easily accessible access to mental health support through both professional and self-referral routes.
For more information: