Useful Documents
Here you can find pages for useful documents from the partnership.
Population Needs Assessment
The Population Needs Assessment (PNA) is a joint exercise undertaken by health and social care partners to gather information on people’s wellbeing and the barriers that prevent them from achieving a sense of well-being.
It also aims to determine people’s care and support needs (including gaps in such provision) in order that services can be developed and targeted accordingly.

Area Plan
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 places a duty on Local Authorities and Health Boards to produce a regional Area Plan.

Annual Report
Here you’ll find copies of all Annual Reports produced since the inception of the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership in 2019.

Market Stability Report
Market Stability Reports (MSRs) are tools to assist Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) in planning and commissioning quality care and support for their populations. The reports should help RPBs to determine the overall shape and balance of the market for care and support within the region.

Financial Reports
This is where you’ll find the Stories of Change, investment information and infographics relating to the West Glamorgan Regional Partnership’s programmes of work.